Has anyone here ever been stung by a Lionfish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikolai
Just curious.... if you have, what did it feel like?
Take a bee sting and multipy the pain by several fold as I recall. I simply placed my hand in the hottest water I could stand and squeezed the punture area to draw the venom out. Pain lasted for about 20-30 minutes as I recall...but it was a very long time ago.


I have been stung by just about every type of Lionfish. Dwarf, Juvenile, and full size Volitan.
IMO it isnt much more painful then a Bee sting however the larger volitan got me on the underside of my arm so I think his hurt more because of were he got me.
Same as above I just ran it under hot water and it went away in about 5-10 minutes. Now being stung by a Coral Cat though, that was another story.... Being stung by those guys feels like sticking a burning hot needle in your hand.
Yea im retarded for not paying attention to were I stick my hand in tanks. :D


Active Member
Yeah, lionfish stings can hurt pretty badly, but the hot water gets the venom out pretty quickly. I've been stung 3 times, but never by my own lion.


Active Member
im still in shock how i didn't get stung, i was moving rocks in my tank and my lion rubbed up against me not only once but twice, and NOTHING ....about crapped my pants both times.
i wonder if they choose to sting you or not...


Active Member
I have had lions rub against me without any sting as well. That was when I did some research and found various locations say that they must feel threatened. My lion always does that to my puffer. The lion swims towards him rapidly as if he was going to sting him and then just rubs against him to show him that if he gets too close he is going to sting him.

jonny bolt

Yeah, Lionfish are in no way "dummies" lol. I can tell by the way my Dwarf Lion moves his eyes around that he knows exactly what is going on. I have never been stung, but have had my hand/arm in the tank quite a bit lately and my Lion doesnt seem threatened. He has really become accustomed to his new home, he has acclimated very fast. Hopefully he wont turn on me!
I have heard numerous time though that if you are one of those who is allergic to bee/hornet/wasp stings etc., the pain and discomfort is MUCH MUCH worse if you get stung by a Lionfish.


I am allergic to bee stings.......and lion fish stings...found that out the hard way. I took benadryl for the swelling and pain. You have to keep on eye on yourself if your allergic to bees etc. I'm even allergic to mosquito bites so it's probably worse for me. The hot water is absolutely necessary or you'll wanna cut your arm off. Mine hurt for 3 days, but then again....super sensative to that kind of stuff.