Has anyone here ever used Zoe?


I just got some at my LFS. I got it to put on all my food I'm feeding the fish, in hopes that it will put some more vitamens and nutrients back into my Square Male Anthias, as he is losing some color. Has anyone had success with Zoe and how long did it take. Also some application hints and tips would be greatly appreciated!


Staff member
It is a very good vitimin supplement. As you said, soak your food in it before feeding it to fish. However, vitimin supplements are not a good substitute for quality nutrition. If you fish are not looking their best, then perhaps you need to look at what you are feeding them.


one of my false percs was doing this when i first got him and i started feeding formula one frozen food and he got brighter again but i think it was also because he wasnt getting enough food at first cause he kinda stayed back while the other clown ate but now its better and hes eating more. i also use zoe i just use a plastic cup put the food in and some zoe or now garlic and feed


Beth, I'm feeding them a good mixture of frozen mysis and brine shrimp and freeze dried krill. Do you have any other ideas as to a variety diet.
Flame Hawk
Square Male Anthias
Saddleback Clown
Valentini Puffer
Also, do you have any suggestions on something to feed my anemone?