has anyone successfuly beat DINOFLAGELLATES?


Due to way too big of water changes and big temp swings, I've recentley had dinoflagellates dang near wipe out my tank. It's still way to early to tell, but I think I have them under control. I hope to god anyways.
Has anyone encountered these in their tanks? If so, how did you eliminate them? I can laugh (somewhat) about them now, but this was almost the last straw and the end of me. Lol whose counting anymore, but I think i lost around $400 worth of fish within the last week and a half.
Obviously your help/input will be much appreciated.
Thanks for your time,


I know of one person but the price was high IMO.
He beat it after months of fighting.
Blacked out the tank for 2 or 3 days ran massive amounts of carbon in a canister filter. Vacuumed out the stuff daily into a canister filter as well. It worked but the system was thrown so far out of balance after this that a new nuisance quickly emerged, some form of macro algae. Eventually he restarted the tank after cooking his rocks.


Originally Posted by mlwoods007
Due to way too big of water changes and big temp swings, I've recentley had dinoflagellates dang near wipe out my tank. It's still way to early to tell, but I think I have them under control. I hope to god anyways.
Has anyone encountered these in their tanks? If so, how did you eliminate them? I can laugh (somewhat) about them now, but this was almost the last straw and the end of me. Lol whose counting anymore, but I think i lost around $400 worth of fish within the last week and a half.
Obviously your help/input will be much appreciated.
Thanks for your time,
What type of Dinoflagellates have you had? That is a very broad term.


what type... I don't know. They're a redish brown slime that's photosynthetic and covers everything. They don't seem to come back too quickly everyday, but I also don't run my MH's as long as I should. They're only on for about 5 hrs.
Where does this crap come from? What causes it?
Well if there photosynthetic then leave your lights off for a few days and they should starve
Im just making a suggestion


Originally Posted by mlwoods007
what type... I don't know. They're a redish brown slime that's photosynthetic and covers everything. They don't seem to come back too quickly everyday, but I also don't run my MH's as long as I should. They're only on for about 5 hrs.
Where does this crap come from? What causes it?
That sounds like caynobacteria to me. What are your water readings? Have you tested your phosphates? There are many threads in the reef section about it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
That sounds like caynobacteria to me. What are your water readings? Have you tested your phosphates? There are many threads in the reef section about it.
I agree, it does sound like cyano. It's not impossible to get rid of but there are numerous causes so you need to look at each one individually.