Has he gone mad?


Ok, my tank has been set up for about 6 months now and everything is going well. All my water parameters are in check and nothing new has changed recently. I have a 30G tank with lots of live rock, two perc clowns, a 6-line wrasse, hermits, snails, a feather duster and 2 peppermint shrimp. Everyone usually gets along great until today.
My 6-line decides he doesn't like one my shrimp and will not stop picking at him. It’s very strange. He has taken one of his legs already and I don't know what to do. My percs have no idea what's going on and are just watching him swim about picking at everything that he comes across. It's like he has gone crazy and everyone in the tank is keeping an eye on him. Has anyone every had a 6-line do such things before? Any ideas?


Active Member
There is a thread somewhere in this forum about the same thing. A guy's cleaner wrasse went insane and killed some inverts. I think it killed some corals too.


Yeah I don't know what to do? He has now taken 3 of the shrimp's limbs. It seems like the just dosen't like that one shrimp, because he leaves the other one alone. If he lives through this will his limbs grow back?
Anyone have any ideas?


My sixline does the same thing. He picks on my cleaner shrimp and leaves my fire shrimp alone. He hasn't taken any limbs though. IMO, I would just let them be, maybe he will quite after a while. I wouldn't take out the sixline over a shrimp.


Well, he finished off my pep. shrimp and started to bother my other one. I had to take him out last night and take him back to the LFS. He must not like shrimp? The LFS gave me store credit, so I picked up a Firefish Goby to replace him. The LFS said while rare, they have had the exact thing happen to someone else last year. Thanks for everyone's help.