Has my tank cycled?


New Member
I was wondering if you guys think my tank has cycled or even started its cycle? Here is what my water test have been like.
6/26- put in LR, PH 8.4, Alk normal, 0 Amonia. 1 Nitrite. 20 to 50 Nitrate (this test done with a test strip, i figure not very reliable)
6/27- purchased a Red Sea saltwater test kit
6/29- PH 8.4, Alk normal, Nitrate 10ppm, Amonia 0.25, Nitrite 0.2
7/2- PH 8.4, Alk normal, Nitrate 10, Amonia .25, Nitrite 0
7/5- PH 8.4, Nitrite 0, Amonia .25, Nitrate 20
When can I start adding fish and cleaner crew? Also, a couple of the rocks have a green and brown algae growing with what looks like hair, and one of the rocks also has what appears to be a couple of blades of grass growing on it also.
Thanks for your help..


the brown stuff is more than likely diatoms... went through them myself... they come and then they go... Just about everyone here is going to tell you to put a cocktail shrimp into the tank to get things moving... I've not tried this myself so cannot advise on that. What you should see is a buildup of amonia (waste), which will convert to nitrites, and then to nitrates. I've been running my tank for 3 weeks now without any buildup...


Active Member
When tank has finished cycling your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate will all be at zero.
As for the hair looking algae mix up some saltwater take out the pieces that have algae on them and scrub off with toothbrush in the new batch of saltwater. After you knock off all the loose algae rinse with clean (new) saltwater very well before placing back into your tank.


New Member
So I shouldnt put any of the cleaner crew in yet? Loosing patience, want to see something moving other than the water....lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by grubby1091
So I shouldnt put any of the cleaner crew in yet? Loosing patience, want to see something moving other than the water....lol
Don't add any living thing until cycle is complete. If you add now you will just have more things in your tank not moving.
It is hard to wait but rushing things now will only cause you lots of $$$ and aggrivation trying to find out why everything keeps dying.
The wait will be worth it in the end.