Haunted Tank Story

This is the weirdest thing. i "had" 3 damsels and 2 scissor tail hogs in my tank and everything was going just dandy. I went and bought 2 more ph's and added them to the tank on sunday. the fish were doing fine on the first and second day after i added the ph's. Mysteriously 2 of my damsels and 1 of my hogs vanished. No they did not jump from the tank, nor did they get sucked up into one of my filters. I can't picture them all dying and being eaten by the other fish in the tank, there were no, i mean no remains to be found at all. I have no inverts to clean up dead bodies and i tore apart the tank to look for any signs of the deceased. I am completely baffeled. Anyone ever have this happen to them? Or maybe could you give me some "logic" behind this...
fshhub, yes i have about 25 lbs of l/r. this came to mind also, but i have checked, and checked, and checked again for any other signs of life from the l/r. i check with the lights out in the tank and in the room with a small flash light and come up with nothing. i had this problem when this tank was a fw tank but i always had it stocked pretty nicely and just thought the other fish were eating the reamins, i dunno...


I bought a tank from some lady who had put 2 convict gobbies in her tank and they disapeered about 3 day's later.. they were 2" long when she added them.. she never saw them and had assumed they had died.. TWO years later she saw a huge head pop out of the LR... a few months later I was buying the tank and after moving all of the LR and most of the substrate we found 2 Fish that were 7 INCHES LONG!!!!.. the fish book says these guys get up to about 5cm.. which is just barely 2" but these things had grown to 7 inches.. and never saw them and never feed them... haha.. guess they were eating something.. I sold them to the lfs and he had never seen them get that huge.. maybe this will happen to your missing fish.. :D