have a look at my tank from australia


New Member
I have a marine tank which is awsome, have been studying and collecting marine fish for 4 years now, I started of with a reef aquarium and had to much problems with it so now I have gone with a fish only aquarium
In the tank now is:
*Rock cod (not sure what sort if anyone knows plz let me know)
*Honeycomb Moray eal
*2 valitine Lion Fish
*1 Clown Trigger fish
all are happy in an 5 foot tank
At the moment I am setting up a 7 1/2 foot tank for my 2 Epellette Sharks 1 male and 1 female so hopefully they breed…
Not sure what I am going to put in the shark tank if any one has any ideas on what is good to go in with them please let me know
see ya tim



Active Member
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Wow, that is way overstocked. Also only a matter of time till the trigger wipes out your lions.
That's a sure bet! CTs and lions seem like a natural combination, but sooner or later, the CT will come of age and the lions are defenseless. Triggers start with the flowing fins....


I'd be concerned about that Tessalata wrecking things. If that trigger or any other fish threatened it and couldn't swallow that eel, that eel will make mince meat out of them. Seen it before. Tim


Active Member
Be concerned about your grouper eatting your tessy, your trigger killing your lions, or worse yet your tessy trying to eat your lions and killing both.
Great collection though...I Love tessies myself, wish they maxed at around 3-4'.
Check photobucket.com for this guy whose huge bumblebee grouper ate his tessy or tried to. Not worth the risk with such a fine animal.


Active Member
anyone notice that the TS's pix are 3+ years old???
good lookin fish... i wonder if they are still alive and in the same tank though...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
anyone notice that the TS's pix are 3+ years old???
good lookin fish... i wonder if they are still alive and in the same tank though...
That's not that unusual, my computer is kinda slow downloading pictures too.
Nice catch there.


New Member
The fish are still in the same tank,
never had any problems, the trigger is full grown
and the lion fish are happy they have all been in the tank together for over two years now .
the cod is at 35-40 cm now and has grown much more
i don't think he is a bumblebee grouper the colours are wrong.
when i get my shark tank up and going the lion fish might go in that tank as it is bigger.
but only if i see if their is any problems...
one lion fish had lock jaw about a year ago , but i fixed that by pulling him out and i pushed it back in and changed his diet to white bait, which has more calsium.

el guapo

Active Member

So you have had all these fish in the same tank for 3 years ? A clown trigger, a rock cod,lion fish fimbrated eel and sharks too ? and you have had no problems ?


New Member
yeah all the fish are together except the sharks, i did have one female shark in there but the trigger attaked her so i took her out and she is at the shop i work at, and i have brought a male since and they are together now untill my 7 1/2 foot tank is ready


Active Member
kinda of decieving posting that pick of the eel getting eaten without the story. they lived together fine for years but the owner found the eel almost dead on the floor and put it pack in and the grouper ate it.


Active Member
not saying when it gets 4-9 foot it couldnt do it. i know a wide range but kinda hard to throw out an exact number for a fish with that type of size potential.