Active Member
Tell me if I am being a bit picky here, but I am tired of every heater I get failing on me. EBO-Jager used to be GREAT (the ones with the yellow caps). Now Eheim owns them. Now I am having issues with a titanium brand which shall remain nameless. It is supposed to be accurate to 1 degree - but I have the thermostat (the external temperature sensor is atleast a foot away from the actual heating unit) set at less then 76 with the heater keeping the tank at 79 with a 2 degree fluctuation during the night. My Rena's were actually good for quite some time though. Is there any brand out there, no matter what the cost, where you can just set it and forget it? Or am I being too picky with caring to much about a 2 degree fluctuation? Cause my tank has an alarm which gets REALLY annoying.