Have CC and live sand.... What would you do???


I didn't get any real negative reaction to putting the old CC back into the 125g I purchased recently. I washed it very well its about 2" deep... I added about 60lbs of live sand on top... However now I'm reading alot that says CC is bad and a trap for detrius... So should I
Bite the money on the LS and just take everything out and start over? Tank has been cycling approx 2 weeks now
Mix it all together so some sand is on bottom too
Buy more LS and make a thicker layer on top of the CC????


Active Member
Personally what I would do is skip the CC all together. I had that stuff and nothing but problems. But if you have it with the sand in your tank I would use a net that has big enough holes so the CC stays in but the sand falls through. A bit of a pain but this way you will not bother your cycle too much. Take your time and do small amounts at a time but in my opinion sand is the only way to go.....


def take the CC out i use to have it and switched to LS and it was worth it CC can only cause problems in the long run even though you have the LS in with it. get that out and just keep the LS


Active Member
Don't mix it!!!
You have to vaccuum CC to remove detritus. You can't vaccuum sand. If you mix them, you can't clean either the proper way.


Active Member
take the cc out. it'll work well in a tank by itself if you are experienced in it, but def not for you. if it's mixed now you have a problem as it'll eventually sift it's way separate and then you'll have to take out all of your lr to get it out. i'd not use it at all and i don't buy from any lfs that uses it.
just my humble opinion.