Have Extra 10g Tank..


I am starting a 55g fish only setup here in the next few weeks. I am not going to be using a sump at this time, I might add one down the road.
I do have an extra 10g tank sitting here in my room, can I use it for anything? Do I need a quarantine tank? Or should I save it for when I do end up doing a sump? Another option I was thinking is using it as a refugium?
Would it be big enough to use as a seahorse tank?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ten g QT when you have your fish stock in place turn it into a refug now you 55 is a 65 with the added filtration

keith burn

Active Member
imo a 10gal is small for a 55gal you can fix a bigger sump under the 55gal
if you can get it go bigger use the 10gal as a q/a tank.
Would it be big enough to use as a seahorse tank?
imo no it will be hard to keep water lvl in it for them.