have two wrasses that are fighting!!


New Member
First of all ive had these two wrasses for a month now and never fought until this morning. I have a mystery wrasse and a melanurus wrasse. Its seems the mystery wrasse is the one picking on him. when we bought the fish we had the guy sending them make sure one is a male n one is a female..we thought he did since they never fought till now lol! :) what the heck would cause this neone?? im bout to get the melanurus wrasse out n give him to my mom or dad lol..you think they will ever stop fighting??


Active Member
Originally Posted by 84ashley
First of all ive had these two wrasses for a month now and never fought until this morning. I have a mystery wrasse and a melanurus wrasse. Its seems the mystery wrasse is the one picking on him. when we bought the fish we had the guy sending them make sure one is a male n one is a female..we thought he did since they never fought till now lol! :) what the heck would cause this neone?? im bout to get the melanurus wrasse out n give him to my mom or dad lol..you think they will ever stop fighting??

Who knows? Fish aggression is almost impossible to predict. Two similar wrasse are always "iffy" and I doubt that anyone can identify the gender of these two wrasse at the size they are usually sold. How big a tank? The bigger, the better chances.


New Member
the tank is 60 gallons.just dont know how it came about after a month. ours are actually pretty big..they are both like 4 in. im suprised since we got em shipped. They both followed each other around like friends for a month now this..this sucks i like em both..more the mystery wrasse its so pretty...ahh what to do what to do??


Active Member
Originally Posted by 84ashley
really lol??? i thought they were supposed to be peaceful lol :(
Yea, often overlooked because the Mystery is a higher-dollar, "in-demand" fish, people are sometimes willing to turn a blind-eye to problems with it. The Mystery wrasse is basically a sixline that can grown up to 5" and has a slightly larger more capable mouth.
If the problems started after month, the fighting is not likely to stop unfortunately. Realizing now the tank is a 60gal, if it was larger, say 90gal/120gal, they might be okay, but in a 60, there isn't much room to separate for two 4" fish that are quite active.