Have you ever wanted a fish that you knew you shouldnt buy?


Active Member
I keep walking past this cute little Lion Fish and I know I cant get him. He just floats there and stares at me saying, "take me home" Its like going to the pound. You want to bring all of them home for your collection.
Have you ever done this or actually did bring one home that you regreated? What happened? Did you take it back?
ive done something like it.. they had three beautiful yellow tangs and they said theyd give all of them to be for 70. but the whole time i knew i have a yellow tang at home who is king of the tank.. i got them anyway. he beat them up bad! so i took him out. and all three live peacefully now
I think everyone has done this at some point in time or another. It's the constant want that makes this hobby so addicting!


Active Member
Every time I walk through the LFS?
My wife is terrible, and she always seems to want the most aggressive fish because they're "so cute". She's tried to talk me into a Blue Throat Trigger, Dog faced Puffer, and Clown Sweetlips, and those are just the one's I can remember. They'd do great in my 30g tank.


Active Member
of course! if someone says no they are lying lol. I wanted a puffer I saw once, and a small shark, big ole dragon moray, and a few other ones. I like the big ones, but only have a 14G tank lol


Active Member
This is most common among newbs. (guilty as charged)
After you have been in the hobby long enough you get tired of losing money.
And you hate to see fish going through misery of being beat up or not having enough room.
I still want most of what I see. Good excuse for an upgrade.
Uh yeah... had a beautiful FOWLR 110g tank... saw the lion just gracefully floating by time and time again... (the fact that he was there after 6 visits to my LFS should have said something) but NOPE. I bought him... brought him home and within about 1 hour he had a chromis, shrimp and firefish buffet.
After that it became "his" tank. Well, his and the new eel I bought. Nothing like a 110g tank with a 6 inch eel head poking out of a rock and a 12" lionfish cruising the entire tank.

SIDE NOTE: Juvi Emperors are my latest weakness but no way, no how... tank too small.


Originally Posted by lil.guppy
I keep walking past this cute little Lion Fish and I know I cant get him. He just floats there and stares at me saying, "take me home" Its like going to the pound. You want to bring all of them home for your collection.
Have you ever done this or actually did bring one home that you regreated? What happened? Did you take it back?
What size tank do you have? If it is a dwarf lion you may be able to do it