Havent had any luck IDing this


Active Member
Not sure what we're supposed to be ID-ing aside from a bunch of hermits? Nice to see other U of M folk on the board though, Go Blue :D


New Member
Guess that does read rather ambiguously doesnt it?
Basically I have some scarlets and a bunch of these maroonish-blue hermits. I was wondering if anyone could ID the second type of hermit. All the pictures on the page are of the mystery hermit other than the last two, which are just a scarlet taken under actinics.
You go to the UM currently? If so, what year are you?


Active Member
I have some of them too...got them from Coral Reef up on Plymouth so I'm sure if you call Dave there he can tell you for sure...but I always figured they were some type of zebra hermit...could be totally wrong though.
I'm a 4th yr grad student. How bout you?


New Member
Yeah, the LFS I got it from, The Fish Doctors (great place by the way, check it out) didnt really know either. I recall looking up the LFS you mentioned, but their number didnt work. You got a phone number you can PM me?
And me, I'm just a lowly Junior :)


Active Member
Fish doc's is good too...most of my local stuff (ie when I'm not ordering from here) I go to one or the other for (and they're fairly similar, Dave at Coral Reef was one of the managers at Fish Doctors until he left to start his own shop). Have you been to tropicorium in romulus yet? If not it's a site to be seen :) . Anyhow, Dave's number for Coral Reef-- 623-7333