Having problems


Ok guys,
I have added a couple of new fish to my tank and my puffer hasn't taken it well. He stopped eating and my Maroon Clown has past away.
I have a 30 gallon tank with the following parameters
NH3/NH4 Ammonia 0
PH 8.6
Alk low
NO2 0.1
N03 2.5
Gravity 1.021
What should i do.


Yow, so you shouldn't be having the trates and trites then... I guess a water change would be the first step, if you haven't already... Then you need to figure out why you have the readings you do. What type of filtration do you have? Any LR? and last...do you have a clean-up crew? Your specific gravity is a little low for inverts, but I'm gonna ask anyway. And final 2 questions are how are you oxygenating your tank and how are you measuring your specific gravity (refractometer or hydrometer). OH and one more... were those the readings BEFORE your MC died or after?


Active Member
How many fish were in the tank beofre you added the new ones and how many new ones did you add? You should only add one or two fish at a time so that your bacteria can catch up to your bio-load. Adding too many fish at once can increase your ammonia too fast.