Having Tang Issues


New Member
We are starting a new system (first ever aquarium) and have been dutifully reading several books in hopes of being successful (i.e. we don't want to kill our fish from not knowing how to take care of them). We have a 75gal tank that we plan to make a predominant peaceful fish tank (going to add some live rock but not a reef setup). Anyway, we have been looking to put in one of the tangs (not right away) and prefer either the Hippo, Purple, or Whitecheek (A. joponicus). Unfortunately, we have received conflicting information on hardiness, eventual size of the fish, the size of the tank it should be housed in, and various other attributes. Getting very confused (and a little frustrated). Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Hippo tangs are not that hardy, and will outgrow that tank.
Purple tangs can become very aggressive, and they are very hardy, but I wouldn't recommend one in a 75 with peacefull fish.
Whitecheeks are hardy, and he might be O.K. in a 75. I have one in my 240, and he does like his swimming room.
You could also look at the kole tang, or a yellow tang as well.