having to breakdown tank


New Member
:( I know this has probably been asked before but I was wondering how to preserve live rock? My situation is such that I immediately need to breakdown my 180 gal. tank due to a bad underground leak under my house which is pooling up next to and around my tank. Unfortunately, I need to move the tank to get to the leak. I will be transferreing all of my fish, corals, and some live rock into a 100 gal tank, but all of my live rock will not fit into this tank. It is unknown at this time how long my 180 set up will be out of service due to tearing things up etc. Is there a way to preserve live rock until I will be able to use it again? And if so, how do you do it. Any and all feed back will be greatly appreciated. This is a real bummer since my 180 tank is really fined tuned and looking awsome, but I guess it goes with the territory if you are in this hobby. Thanks again