Having trouble with skimmer


Ok i have a Red Sea Prizm Skimmer for tanks up to 100 gal. I am having trouble getting it to skim, but not produce bubbles in my tank.
When i get it to skim, the collection cup fills with water in a matter of hrs, and the tank has the bubbles.
When i get rid of the bubble in the tank, it will not skim.
Is this normal for a new skimmer, an i not doing something right, or is there something wrong with the skimmer?


This is very very normal for a new skimmer. I myself have the prizm to! For the firts week or so, you will want to have it on a very low setting for water. Try to have just enough water going through it so it has even flow. Everey #rd day, VERY SLOWLY increase the opening size to about half way. That should be the MAX! It will take afew weeks for your prizm to start skimmin properly. It will also get alot quietr as it goes on. As long as your tank is kekpt clean with regualr water changes, you may not get alot of skimmed guk at all. in my 50 gallon, i only get about 1/4 of a cup a week and my tank and skimmer are well established!
Tang :D


New Member
Just a quick question concerning the skimmers, I have a motorized 75 made by sealife systems and I have the same problem with the bubbles. Do I turn it on full air and if so what do I do with the hose that is directing all the waste. Or do I put it on minimal air going through so that there is almost no foam at the top? Any help would be appreciated. Oh yeah, I forgot to say that I just put it in about 3 hours ago. It is sitting in my wet/dry sump.


in regards to bubbles, i run a seaclone skimmer and I had a bunch of bubbles. I found it was because i was putting in stress coat. I quit using that, ran the skimmer on low for a few weeks so I wasn't dumping the cup constantly and the bubbles eventually dsappeared. Runs like a champ now. ;)


New Member
ok, thanks, I was ( emphasize was) using stress coat, I will just run the skimmer on low for a week or so and see what happens. Just one more question, should I use distilled water for water changes, since I can't get a RO/DI unit yet? Or will a water purifier that hooks up to the sink be sufficient? I kind of doubt that it will but thought I would ask just in case anyone has had any luck with that.


Nothing will filter water like a good R/O water filtering system. If you just go with a tap water attachement to the sink like brita, let it run with the family for a few days and then check the levels of ammonia etc that come out form the water. The sink filters will not remove bearly as much as the R/O filters. You may want to buy distilled water but i cant see why you just dont go with tap water for now with a water conditioner to remove chlorine, chloramine etc until you can get a good ro. There is nothing wrong with properly conditioned tap water.
As far as the bubbles in the skimmers, added proteins such as lipids, stress coats and even the feading of food to your marien aquaria will casue and excess of bbbles in a protein skimmer. When starting a new skimmer, dont expect results immediatley. Open the valve just a bit. When you open the valve to far, you will get the cup filling up with water as seen before!
Good luck!
Tang ;)


Thanks for all the great info, it would have taken me week on my own to figure out what you guys did here in just hrs.


New Member
Thanks for the information on the skimmers and the water. I appreciate all the info that was given.