Having Trouble...


Leaving the "dark side" behind. Just got an 180 that will be a reef tank. I've only done FOWLR (all aggressive) in my 10 years of SW experience. Now that I'm dreaming up my stock list for the reef, I'm finding it challenging to get away from the fun aggressive side of things. I couldn't decide to put this here or in the reef forum, had to start somewhere I guess!
My question is this, would it be possible to keep a zebra moray in a reef tank? My current wish list includes:
Sargassum or Blue Throat Trig (there's that dark side again)
Blonde Naso (already have)
Pair of clowns (TBD on which kind)
Neon Goby
Blennie of some sort possibly
Atlantic Blue Tang
I would LOVE an achiles tang, but I know they're probably the hardest tang to keep, need a well established tank and have high mortality rates. Maybe down the road... Clown tang's are nice too! I have challenging taste I think.
All feedback is welcome, the tank should be up and running in a week or two (not including cycle time) so I've got plenty of time to work out the kinks.

saka bra

the eel would probably eat the gobies and any shrimp you put in there, but other than that, i dont see why not, since you mostly have big tangs.


Active Member
Don't let those in that 'light side' foul you
. There are plently of "aggressive reefs" out there. Clean up crews are overrated for the most part, and there are lots of fish which may be CUC predators, but don't touch corals. And as long as you can keep keep water quality up, the corals will thrive. For a 180, I'd love to do a volitan lionfish and completely change your list, because I've never had a 24" deep tank, and I feel that's what a v. lion needs. But keeping with the fish you already posted, here a list I'd consider:
Sargassum or Blue Jaw Trigger
Blonde Naso (already have)
Zebra Moray
Pair of Clowns (Clarkii's would 'fit-in' the best IMHO. Not too aggressive, but not passive)
Neon Goby
Atlantic Blue Tang
Australian Harlequin Tusk


Active Member
I'm experimenting with the in between side right now, I have "aggressive" fish, but I recently added corals....I have 3 angels, 2 Triggers and 2 Wrasses, I've started with some simple leathers and mushrooms....so far so good.
As far as you question, I think a Zebra Eel would be fine depending on what crustaceans you want to keep....like Aquaknight said a CUC is overrated.
Also, don't be scared of the Achilles Tang, I kept this wonderful fish for over 5 years in a smaller tank, and I was a complete idiot and beginner when I got him....Once established and eating this fish is very tough to kill

A look if you like


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Don't let those in that 'light side' foul you
. There are plently of "aggressive reefs" out there. Clean up crews are overrated for the most part, and there are lots of fish which may be CUC predators, but don't touch corals. And as long as you can keep keep water quality up, the corals will thrive. For a 180, I'd love to do a volitan lionfish and completely change your list, because I've never had a 24" deep tank, and I feel that's what a v. lion needs. But keeping with the fish you already posted, here a list I'd consider:
Sargassum or Blue Jaw Trigger
Blonde Naso (already have)
Zebra Moray
Pair of Clowns (Clarkii's would 'fit-in' the best IMHO. Not too aggressive, but not passive)
Neon Goby
Atlantic Blue Tang
Australian Harlequin Tusk
Funny you say that, I have a single Clarkii in our current tank and it holds it own with our tangs and a 6 inch Huma just fine. Although, I feel bad for him - nothing to host so he's chosen the heater

I considered the lion for a very long time, now you've got me re-considering. What would you do as a stocklist with one in there? The only thing that's a "must" right now is the Naso.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I'm experimenting with the in between side right now, I have "aggressive" fish, but I recently added corals....I have 3 angels, 2 Triggers and 2 Wrasses, I've started with some simple leathers and mushrooms....so far so good.
As far as you question, I think a Zebra Eel would be fine depending on what crustaceans you want to keep....like Aquaknight said a CUC is overrated.
Also, don't be scared of the Achilles Tang, I kept this wonderful fish for over 5 years in a smaller tank, and I was a complete idiot and beginner when I got him....Once established and eating this fish is very tough to kill

A look if you like
KRJ! I read your thread somewhere on here about the Achilles, I'm in awe of you! Not many people, as far as my research goes, seemed to have as much success as you did with yours! You give me hope for down the road.
That and your awesome Sargassum. Your thread about him is what actually got me start reading up on them and doing the research.
I'm not too worried about the CUC, my family on the other hand loves them, but I'm not too big of a fan just because I love all the fish that kill them off. I'd rather have them, then shrimp or snails.
There's a large refuge/sump under the tank so if they want them that bad, they can go live down there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower1459
Funny you say that, I have a single Clarkii in our current tank and it holds it own with our tangs and a 6 inch Huma just fine. Although, I feel bad for him - nothing to host so he's chosen the heater

I considered the lion for a very long time, now you've got me re-considering. What would you do as a stocklist with one in there? The only thing that's a "must" right now is the Naso.
Hmm... With the lion, the intent to have corals in there, right? Granted, it might be a bit challenging with having to watch the lion for stings when your arm is in the tank, and the eels possibly knocking corals over, but the reward far outweighs the headaches. Definitely consider a humungo skimmer though

Volitan Lion
Blonde Naso Tang
Australian Harlequin Tusk
Sargassum/Blue Jaw Trigger
Banana eel (Golden morph of G. milarias
Zebra Moray
Desjardinii Sailfin Tang
Pair of Zebra or Watanabe Angels (male and female)