Having water clarity issues.... Dont know what to do!


Hey all --
Set up a 14g Biocube..... It has been up and going over a month now.. Stats below:
14g Biocube
14Lbs Live Rock
16lbs Live Sand/shell
Running temp about 80
Stock filtration
6oz ChemiPure Elite in mid chamber
Finex Canister Filter .5 Gal :Filtration media includes activated carbon floss pad, sponge, and ceramic rings.
Sucking water from chamber 1 (from behind the filter pad) dumping it in chamber 2 on top of bioballs and chemipure
2 True Percula
a few coral
5 hermits
1 emerald crab
bubble-tip anenome
At all times, I just see stuff floating around in the tank -- like its never actually clear/clean looking water.
All of my parameters are as follows:
Salinity: between .021-.022
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: between 0ppm-5.0ppm
Ammonia: 0ppm
High Range PH: 7.8-8.0

I really do not know what else I can do.. I have a TON of filtration on this thing--- and water quality isnt "bad" nitrates a little high, but doing water changes daily to get it down...
Just looks like there are a lot of particles (not air bubbles) flowing around all of the time - and a very slight hint of cloudy.

mr. limpid

Active Member
A month old tank is a little to early for corals and anemones. so keep up on water changes. Adding cheto will help with nitrates, also I would raise your PH to 8.3. this will help corals to absorb calc. Also if you are going to keep corals you need more test kits, alk; iodine and mag. Good luck