Havs anyone had issues with salinity due to evaporation?


I have a 58 gallon reef with 2 true percs, a bta, and 3 rocks with mushrooms on them. I had an issue with my salinity being too high once before. I stabilized it slowly. However, I awoke this morning to find some of my mushrooms dead/dieing. The only thing I have done differently this week is feed my anemone a silverside (yes, I removed the waste). I also do not have a protein skimmer, but I do 10 gallon weekly water changes. Basically, my question is this: has anyone experienced salinity repeatedly rising due to evaporation of water but not salt? Or am I crazy?
Here are my nitrate and salinity readings before and after doing a water change with 10 gallons of straight RO/DI water. Calcium, Carbonate, and Phosphate tested fine.
Nitrates 10 PPM (before)/0 PPM (after)
PH/Specific Gravity 1.034 (before)/1.026 (after)


Active Member
One of the common things overlooked in the hobby is evaporation.
Salt doesn't evaporate. You need to regularly do "top offs" with quality fresh water (RO/DI water). Figure out what level your tank is "full" and top off as needed to maintain level.


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
OKAY well let me educate you... Water evaporates but salt doesnt ,hence high salinity.....
Let me educate you? I bet you have a TON of friends!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
One of the common things overlooked in the hobby is evaporation.
Salt doesn't evaporate. You need to regularly do "top offs" with quality fresh water (RO/DI water). Figure out what level your tank is "full" and top off as needed to maintain level.
Thanks Journeyman... it makes sense, but I've never read or been told this. I have been topping off with saltwater. I don't need any more help on this thread, thanks! :)


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
One of the common things overlooked in the hobby is evaporation.
Salt doesn't evaporate. You need to regularly do "top offs" with quality fresh water (RO/DI water). Figure out what level your tank is "full" and top off as needed to maintain level.
What is "top offs" with fresh water? Is that simply adding fresh water into the tank until it reaches the mark you previously set? Can I put the water right away? Do I need to fill the freshwater water slowly over a period of time (dripping into the tank)? Thanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moneylaw
What is "top offs" with fresh water? Is that simply adding fresh water into the tank until it reaches the mark you previously set? Can I put the water right away? Do I need to fill the freshwater water slowly over a period of time (dripping into the tank)? Thanks.
Yes. Top offs should be done regularly and its just replacing the evaporated water. Just make sure the water your adding is the same temp as the water in your tank.


Welcome to the club! I top my 30g with at least 1/2 to 1 gallon fresh RO water every night.


Active Member
just reread your posts, and yes by adding saltwater to refill your tank, you are just adding more and more salt. I have to add about a gallon a day, and it is just fresh RO water. I fill up a gallon container and just dump it in over about 30 seconds.
you may want to look into an auto top off as well if you want to avoid having to do this.
and btw, you're probably right johnthefishguy


Hey, just a quick thought. ... from time to time i do check my specific gravity with a hydrometer and it reads 1.030+. BUT when i check with the refractometer it reads 1.026. So i would question the device your using for checking the SG and not the salinity which are two different things. Can you get the LFS to check for SALININTY or look for a cheap portable refractometer?


By topping off with fresh water each day, it helps to keep a more stable SG. If you let it go down for a few days, the evaporation causes the SG to go up and then when you top off you bring in down pretty quickly. That in itself can be stressful to the creatures in your tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
By topping off with fresh water each day, it helps to keep a more stable SG. If you let it go down for a few days, the evaporation causes the SG to go up and then when you top off you bring in down pretty quickly. That in itself can be stressful to the creatures in your tank!
Especially in smaller to nano tanks, SMART you are learning at a very quick pace! Good for you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Robdog696
Thanks Journeyman... it makes sense, but I've never read or been told this. I have been topping off with saltwater. I don't need any more help on this thread, thanks! :)
It really is one of the funny little things that doesnt get explained to new hobbyists.