Hawaii here I come!!!!


Today at 8:30am I will be flying to Waikiki! I can't wait to go scuba diving and snorkling. It's going to be neat seeing these creatures in their real habitat. I guess I'll be back in a week. :D


I was in hawaii when I was in the navy. Very cool place. Take LOTS of money. I dont remember the name of the island I was on but it is the one with peral harbor. (navy base) I went snorkling there at a huge bay sorounded by lava rock. (which basically is what the islands are made from. LOTS and LOTS of dead corals in close to shore but if you have enough cohonas to swim out deep like 100 yards or more you have a real good chance of seeing sea turtles. VERY COOL. I wasnt into the hobby back then. (actually surprised I didnt spend the only day I had off duty there in a bar) but I will be getting married next spring and going to the bahammas for my honeymoon. Ill be snorkling and fishing the whole time :)


IME Hawaii isn't the best place for reef. You will see lots of fish and turtles which is very cool. I went and they had spinner dolphins and humpback whales also= awesome. But I was dissapointed in the reef but Hawaii is young= the reefs. I may go to fiji or somewhere next time. But you will have fun. 82 all day eating and partying no work whats better than that?


Waikiki is right next to Pearl Harbor. A lil past Waikiki is a bay - can't remember the name but you HAVE to go to it. There is a barrier reef protecting it from the sea making it like a lagoon. There's a shop there that rents out snorkling gear and sells frozen peas to feed the fish. The fish will come up to you expecting to be fed lol very tame. Best place on the island I ever went.


had to look it up :
"Hanauma Bay
This marine sanctuary is located in the crater of an extinct volcano on the eastern tip of the island just past Hawaii Kai.
Its shallow water, calm conditions and myriad varieties of tropical fish, coral and marine life create the ideal environment for even the novice snorkeler. The most popular diving spot in the islands.
The City and County of Honolulu have had to enforce usage restrictions to enhance the regeneration of what could become an overtaxed environment.
Parking is very limited. If you want to see one of the world's great snorkeling spots, go early.
Better yet, take one of the package tours. They'll handle the transportation and supply you with snorkel, fins and environmentally-safe fish food for a moderate price."


I'm very jealous--I've never been anywhere. I actually started this hobby cause I figured I'd never be able to afford a vacation like that--the funny thing is, with what I've spent on these tanks over the past 10years I could have gone a whole bunch of times!!!!


Thats the place I was Hanamaua Bay. Yep the fish come right up to you and take food right out of your hands. I dont remember what kinds of fish but you might wanna identify some and post when you get back.


my parents left Saturday the 23 for the same place! I wanted to go with them so bad. oh well. if you post some pics thats almost as good! have a great time.


If you go to Hanauma Bay get there early, I mean like 7 or 8 or whenever the park opens. Once that place is packed with tourists the water starts to get cloudy and the visibility begins to get bad.


i am scared of the water so i doubt i would go diving... i would just lay on the beach and soak up some rays. i have my tnak so i dont have to go in the water...lol have fun!


Well, I'm back and it was awesome! I have to agree, the reefs was somewhat dissapointing. I thought there was going to be more corals, but mostly dead corals and sponges. I went to two places, Hanuama Bay and I don't remember where the other one was, but we took a boat out to it. It's awesome how the fish would come up and take it off of our hands. I'm surprised not to see any angels, mostly tangs, wrasses, parrotfishes, butterflies, and damsels. I did see a nice picasso trigger though that I followed for about 5 minutes. The best part was to see a sailfin tang. This thing was huge. Actually most of the fishes are huge. I just hope my sailfin get as big. My next thing is to go scuba diving. I think that's where the real fun is. I have pictures and will try to post it as soon as possible.
Now it's back to making my own reef. :D


I've done Hawii snorkeling, Virgin Is. snorkeling, and Flordia Keys snorkeling. There is absolutly no comparison, the Virgin Is. If you want to go somewhere you can see tons of different corals, fish, inverts, then goto the Virgin Is. I went to St. Thomas, and stayed at a place where we had the beach to ourselves.
There was a bar right on the beach, so you could drink then snorkel, then drink some more, then snorkel...
The reef was completly protected from the elments, and the area of the reef was probably 2-3 acres. The water was 80 degrees, and perfectly clear. You could see the bottom perfectly at 100 feet.
Snorkeling in Hawaii had little coral, but lots of fish, the water wasn't as clear, and it was very rough to swim in.
Snorkeling in the keys, you really have to watch out for the baracudda. Once while swimming there I found myself completely surrounded by cuda's. Ranging in size from 6 inches to 6 feet.