Hawaiian Black Trigger


Ok so I just bought one of these guys. I've wanted one for a LONG time :jumping: so I do a search on the boards and I have found that some people are getting the indian ocean trigger Melichthys Indicus, and NOT the hawaiian black trigger Melichthys Niger. One of the big reasons that I bought this fish is because I heard that it changes colors a lot. Does the Indian Trigger change colors as much as the Hawaiian Black? Am I getting a Hawaiian Black trigger or Indian Trigger? To me they look pretty much the same. I have read several post, but none seems to give a real answer. I guess what I'm really asking is IF I do end up with the Indian Trigger, what difference is their between the two? Thanks for the help


Active Member
I also posted this in the discussion forum.
There is a lot of discrepancy between whether it's a Hawaiian or Indian trigger. I have one and based on my research with others on this board and research on my own I came to the conclusion that they are so similar that you could call it either Hawaiian or Indian. I believe they are the same fish from different oceans. They don't really change colors per say like foing from yellowto blue but rather they change shades. Basically different shades of yellow, brown, with some white stripes, and blue lining on black fins. The Hawaiian version (melichthys niger) will grow to about 10 to 12 inches whereas the Indian (melichthys indicus) will grow to about 8 inches or just a bit bigger. The Indian version is fairly rare. I got mine form this site and notice a while back that they had another. The one on this site is stated as a Hawaiian but is actually the Indian. I sent them an email but they never changed it or responded. I am glad I got the Indian one though because of the size they can get to. Here is a picture of mine. The first pic is when I first got him into QT the second in the DT. They are a wonderfull fish and very smart. I taught mine to eat from my hand and am teaching him to roll over on his belly to be rubbed. That is proving to take a while. they have way to much personality for a fish.
