hawaiian black trigger


So I was at my LFS today and they have one about 6 inches in lenght, they want 60.00 for him is this a good deal? I have checked around a bit and they seem to go between 80 and 100, They want 129.00 on this site. Should I not pass this up?


it looks just like the one in the pic on here, I found a shot of the Black Durgeon and and it looks like it has alot of blue and white in it, the one at my LFS is jet black and has none of the blue markings on the face.


Active Member
I would dig a little deeper into what exactly they have there.
swf.com is not going to have a fish listed at double what a lfs has....


What leads me to believe it to be a Hawaiian is it has that white tip on its tail and the shape of the tail is the same.
It looks just like this and was kinda shy and from what I was reading the Hawaiian can be a bit shy sometimes
Attachment 217129
this is the Black Durgeon if i am correct
Attachment 217128



I am going to take back my copper banded that I bought today and get the trigger. we lost our huma about a month ago and that was my girls favorite fish
he jumped to his doom
She wanted something new but not a huma so I got the copper banded
I called her and she said I should have got the black trigger
Well I will be picking him up tomorrow..will post pics so we can have a debate on what he is and how much I should have payed or not have payed. we all know how it goes, the girl want so she gets...and she in NY on vacation without me


Active Member
Other way around. The fish in the first photo is Melichthys indicus, Black Durgeon, aka Indian Trigger (I prefer this name). The second fish you posted is Melichthys niger the Hawaiian Black. SWF does indeed have it wrong.
You were right though, the difference is in the shape of the tail. Niger has the crescent shape, while the indicus
has the more simple tail fin. However Indicus
is probably the better buy. Hawaiians are quite rare to get small, and grow to a very large size. Indian's are more commonly available and stay more manageably sized. They both are quite active fish and hope you have a larger tank. Personally, I wouldn't stick one in my 125gal.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Other way around. The fish in the first photo is Melichthys indicus, Black Durgeon, aka Indian Trigger (I prefer this name). The second fish you posted is Melichthys niger the Hawaiian Black. SWF does indeed have it wrong.
You were right though, the difference is in the shape of the tail. Niger
has the crescent shape, while the indicus
has the more simple tail fin. However Niger
is probably the better buy. Hawaiians are quite rare to get small, and grow to a very large size. Indian's are more commonly available and stay more manageably sized. They both are quite active fish and hope you have a larger tank. Personally, I wouldn't stick one in my 125gal.
+1 on everything aquaknight has mentioned. My avatar is the hawaiian and I have the indian trigger. I actually prefer the look of the IO variety over the hawaiian. The mature indian triggers have beatiful bright blue stripes on their jaw and forehead. I've seen these triggers scuba diving and take it from me, they can get very big. I wouldn't recommend anything less than a 180gal long term. Also, $60 is a pretty good price for that size.