Hawaiian Blue Spotted puffer not eating


Purchased a Hawaiian Blue Spotted puffer from this site over a week ago. Looked healthy on arrival and still looks well with no visible parasites but has not eaten a thing since arriving. I've tried flakes,krill,plankton,pellets all with and without garlic added. He is housed in a 50 gallon FO tank with a small Picasso Trigger, Flame Angel, and Blue Tang. No one has been bullying him or troubling him since he's arrived. SG is 1.023, Ph is 8.2 and ammonia,nitrates,and nitrites are undetectable. I have a HOB power filter rated for 500 gallons per hour, a Aqua C Remora skimmer and 2 1200 Maxi Jets for added water circulation.Temp has been higher than I would like at 84 degrees and I've ordered a chiller last week that is yet to arrive. The other fish all appear well and are feeding well. The puffer has been hiding in a cave but does come out about once a day and make a slow tour of the tank. Moves slowly but does not have any visible lesions and doesn't look emaciated yet. He was acclimated over 3 hours via drip technique and then given a 10 minute freshwater dip with Methylene Blue added before being added to my tank.Any ideas what might be wrong here before I lose this little guy? All comments would be appreciated. Thanks.


Staff member
Try to target feed him with fresh seafood. You can entice him by shooting small morsels of fresh foods off the tip of a turkey baster.
Take a look at the fish food receipe post in the FAQ Thread.