Hawaiian Dragon Moray


Active Member
Now that it's close to tax return time, I'm gonna post this up again. The past few times, I haven't had much of a response...don't know if it was just the wrong time of the year, or no one was interested.
I have a female, Hawaiian Dragon Moray for sale/trade. She's absolutely perfect in every way...32" - 34" long, thick as a beer bottle and not the least bit aggressive. She's never been in a tank without tankmates and has never attempted to harm the smallest of fish.
I've had her for over 6 years and the previous owner had her since she was aprox. 14" long.
I will ship over night, at buyers expense and will guarantee live arrival, to anywhere in the US.
Going rate, for the smallest of healthly looking juveniles, right now, is around $1000 - $1500 (plus shipping). You, at that point, have to worry about them being aggressive (which almost every single one of them are).
I'm going to ask $1450 - O.B.O.
If the buyer is interested, I'll throw in the only other fish I have, for $50. It's a 12" Porcupine Puffer.
Both are feeding on thawed, raw shrimp and a mixture of other sea foods.
Pictures available upon request...but most of you have already seen many, many, many pics of my Dragon.
Thanks for looking!


This is off topic, but did you work at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago? I did too!


Active Member
Yeah...I helped set up the filtration on the 400,000 gal reef they set up, at the same time they set up Wild Reef. I've dived and did the whole "let's talk to the crowd, while diving the 90,000gal circle reef tank" thing they do on a daily basis.
While revamping alot of their big tanks, I convinced them to switch over to commercial grade ETSS skimmers and helped set up new filtration for all the tanks and skimmers.
The largest pair of breeding White Spotted Bamboo's they have were mine. Raised from almost pups...I bred them for a while and then donated them and continued to breed, while at Shedd. When I was there, I got to transport and see hatch 25 of their eggs, that went to Sea World, in Orlando. I'm good friends with Duane...the director of Sea World, there in Orlando. I got to see a lot of my babies, swimming in tubs, behind the scenes, at Sea World.


I bet we've met/seen each other! I spent nearly every single day there when I was in HSMB back in 2005, bur I volunteered since 2003, then I was there until 2007. I worked with the marine mammal training department, but I always took people to see those talks when I volunteered on Saturdays! I touched some of those bamboo sharks when they were babies, that's so awesome you got to raise them.
Originally Posted by AW2x3
Yeah...I helped set up the filtration on the 400,000 gal reef they set up, at the same time they set up Wild Reef. I've dived and did the whole "let's talk to the crowd, while diving the 90,000gal circle reef tank" thing they do on a daily basis.
While revamping alot of their big tanks, I convinced them to switch over to commercial grade ETSS skimmers and helped set up new filtration for all the tanks and skimmers.
The largest pair of breeding White Spotted Bamboo's they have were mine. Raised from almost pups...I bred them for a while and then donated them and continued to breed, while at Shedd. When I was there, I got to transport and see hatch 25 of their eggs, that went to Sea World, in Orlando. I'm good friends with Duane...the director of Sea World, there in Orlando. I got to see a lot of my babies, swimming in tubs, behind the scenes, at Sea World.
off subject again but how do they do a water change on a tank of that size?


Active Member
sry aw, there was someone a few months back interested in one, but i can't find that post anymore.


Active Member
Thanks for lookin', Reno.
I have a guy, on an other forum, that just dropped a few grand on some other salt stuff. He said if I can wait a few weeks, he'll most likely take both the Dragon and the Puffer.
Also, have another guy, offering to trade me a guaranteed 5" - 7" male/female pair of Crosshatch Triggers, for the Dragon.
So, I don't know.


Take the triggers......I would love to have a crosshatch. If you can get them to breed.......Let me know!!!!!


Active Member
Just an update...
I ended up trading her to a fellow hobbies, from Florida. He's trading me an adult male Crosshatch Trigger, an 8" Golden Puffer and an 8" Purple Rhinopias.
His fish shipped today and Fed Ex says I'll get them tomorrow.


Active Member
Will do so, immediately. From what the guy said and the what the pics show, this Crosshatch is a good 10" - 12" long and 3" thick. I'm pretty stoked to see the FedEx guy tomorrow.
Also, just bought another tank...285gal glass, from a friend of a friend. Don't know the exact dimensions, but I know it's 7 feet long.


Active Member
Just buying this one, it only puts me at 3...a 90gal, 200gal and now the 285gal.
Definately not the 11, that I had set up at one time, when I was still living in Chicago.
I'm having to really suck up to the girlfriend, to let me have this 285. lol She doesn't dislike my fish, she's just indifferent about them...kinda like..."Yah, they're fish...big deal".


Welcome to the world of girlfriends who say it's just a fish!!!! Godd luck with them. I have a Rhino for well over 7 months and he is great. I also recently got a male crosshatch and they are amazing. Keep us updated and again good luck. Tim


Active Member
Got the fish today, around 11.30am central time. They'd only been on the FedEx truck for about 2.5 hours.
They're better than I expected!
I have a thread going, in the aggressive forum. As soon as they're acclimated, I'll get and post pics.


New Member
hello everyone
I am the one who traded the crosshatch triggerfish, rhinopias, and x-mas island golden puffer for his supposed dragon moray. well it has been a month and i have not received anything. i am out the 100+ in shipping that I paid plus 3 weeks after i shipped him the fish he told me the rhinopias died. so now im out a rhinopias plus 100+ dollars. I shipped him all three fish via fedex on 6/11/08
here is the tracking
and the number is 7362 6126 2663
you can even see his signature
Can someone please help me. He does not respond to texts or return my phone calls. he has been promising my fish back or paying for them plus shipping but he has not done one single thing. i believe i have been scammed. my friend is a sheriff in hillsborough country here in tampa and i have already contacted him regarding this. this is over 1000 dollars in fish and if i don't get them back or receive proper compensation i will be pressing charges. this was supposed to be a nice even trade....guess that didn't happen. thank you