Hawaiian Ghost Shrimp


Active Member
Looking to unload this MONSTER. It's a pretty good size shrimp with a nasty attitude. $15+shipping from 34689.
Yes, that's a peppermint shrimp hanging out of it's mouth. He has grabbed my Diamond Goby and Maroon Clown before also. Really needs to be in a more aggresive type tank.


he ate peppermint ??? AND goby ???? nasty son of a gun...
well...let me know if no one wants it and you want to get rid of it [for free of course ]


Active Member
Originally Posted by shogun323
That evil bastardo!!!! Sorry Mark!!! You can bring him by and feed him to my Mantis if you want.
That mantis is too pretty. I don't want to be responsible for this guy uglying the mantis up.


Active Member
I finally got him out of my reef. He's in the banishment LR tanks out in the garage.
My son caught it with some thread and lassoed the sucker. So he's still up for adoption. He would be a good addition to an aggressive tank though. I wouldn't keep this mangler with other shrimps or small fish.
If anyone local wants him....come and get it.