hawaiian needs help


anybody know how to get stuff (coral, anemones etc)shipped out here to me in hawaii? my back yard is the largest aquarium inthe world, yet it is illegal for me to have(coral,anemones,etc) in my living room. (understandable)....unless it is shipped from the mainland....but getting stuff shipped out here is the other thing.
i want to be legal and not borrow it from mother nature. because then i would ruin my BIG tank. but i really want some, LR, coral, anemones, etc and the only way for that is you guys on the mainland....any ideas????
and no the LFS doesnt carry it.

now in no way am i complaning about where i live. just about the lack of purchasing ability. it is illegal to buy or sell coral etc etc out here.


Have you checked out this place??
Phone: (808) 373-7774
And let it be known that I am incredibly jealous of where you are right now...
You are self employed...what do you do??


WOW I AM GOING TO CALL THEM ASAP! can you tell im excited.
i have a video rental store, and my wife has a craft store. thankyou for that i am getting in touch with them on monday...thank you thank you thankyou for the info that is exactly what i wanted...woohoo
how did you know about them......(and i didnt)


ahh. I cant wait to go back to Hawaii. I love it there. I have only been 3 times but want to move their SO bad. Izreal is awsome, his music is SO amazing, its sad he has passed on, but that was a while ago. Anyway, did you fint anything with that store? Isnt there an oahu aquarium center? maybe you can try to call there and see if they will sell you stuff.



Man did i ever get a tongue lashing! well come to find out it is illegal to even posess coral, anemones, etc unless you can prove that you didnt "take" them outta the ocean. but if you buy cultured rock (LR) from the LFS and it just happened to be there i guess you are ok. man are they strict out here. the guy at the above mentioned store told me that they specifically report people that they think have that stuff. and on top of all of that if someone shippes the stuff out here the recipient gets fines $20,000.00 wow just for a "rock"
so i guess i had better just get very satisfied with LR and mostly fish.
but i am still spoiled to have the big aquarium out back to dip into when i have time(which i dont foresee in the near future)
but i guess i have learned my lesson.
glad i did early on before i mand e any mistakes!
thanks for the help on this subject though.
and i love braddah IZ's music too. i am learning it on my "uke" right now. not the same as him but is still fun for me.


FOR SURE! he said something about being able to place lava, or any other rock of choice in the ocean and then bring i tout later and that being ok??????????????????????????????
im getting a few more opinions on that, because couldnt any ol joe go and say " no i didnt just take that out of the ocean" "i put it in a few months ago to let it grow, so that is my rock!"
i dont understand half the laws out here but im trying! any insight?


I don't understand why you can't order from this site or any other site as long as you keep the receipts. It sounds like a good law to protect Hawaii, but I don't see how they can say anything as long as you have receipts. Just put the receipts in a fireproof safe just in case. And if you do get thrown in jail for having them hopefully you'll get internet access so you can tell us it didn't work. I'll be the first to say, oops sorry.:D


LOL I just found out why. it is illegal trade of a "controlled substance" that cant be moved from state to state........still doesnt make sense. but they always say there is a price to pay to live in paradise.
how do i get ahold of like the site admin. to ask them they've gotta know rules and regs for their industry and trade.....right?
anyother info.......is there internet in prison?


Active Member
You should probably get in touch with your local ag people. I know people that were stationed in Hickham that kept saltwaterfish tanks, and they never mentioned it being illegal. I do know it is illegal to collect local species there, so they stayed away from all the local corals to be on the safeside. They mostly kept carribean stuff if I recall correctly. I'll send him en e-mail and see if I can convince him to hit up this site. Also for what it's worth OCeanRider is based in hawaii and they sell seahorses seadragons, and occasionaly other kinds of fish, so it just does not look like you are getting the correct info from some people.



Originally posted by broncofish
I know people that were stationed in Hickham that kept saltwaterfish tanks, and they never mentioned it being illegal.

I see a barracks inspection coming up!!!