I have the following things for sale or trade (you pay the shipping)
flame hawkfish $20
2 blue damsels free
feather duster $5
pink tip anenome $5
20lbs. live rock $50
I forgot the biggest thing!
92 gallon bowfront with 40lbs. of salt, 30lb,s of crushed
coral, hang on filter(Filter King), 1 24" double florescent
strip and 1 36" flourescent $800
I will ship this if you pay for it.
What kind of feather duster? How much to ship the feather duster and the anemone to 74864? Would you consider selling the 24" light strip separate and how much would you want for it.
Hey! I have been looking for a Flame hawk every were I want it so bad.How much to ship to 34209?please please please e-mail me milkmanf12@aol.com i might want some other stuff to
Please I want the flame hawk so bad
May be interested in the anemone and feather duster. What variety is the anemone, and what size? Have any pics?
Also: where is Ogdensburg located in NY? I'm @ the southeast corner of the state