hawkfish and lion


i' getting a longnose hawk for a 29 with a dwarf fuzzy lion and a tomato clown and was wondering what are the requirements for hawkfish and lions? what all do they eat ect.?


Active Member
Bubba, a 29g is too small for a dwarf lion. I would say a 55 would be the minimum size. You've got to remember, while they might not grow to long, their long, flowing fins do require space. As for long nose hawks, they aren't as agressive as other hawks, and do well in a reef or f/o environment. They will eat brine, mysis, prime reef, etc., and maybe some flake foods. The hawk and clown would be great in a 29, but scratch the lion. Bo


While i do agree that your tank loand might bee a bit much for the 29gal. i will clarify that the dwarf lion whatever dendrochirus sp. this poster identifies will fit into a 29gal. Of the 3 dwarf lion species only the D. zebra gets any bigger than 6-7".
I believe the lionfish your describing is either a P. Volitans or P Russell (both are often called Volitans lions) these are the large bodied lions w/ the showy (long flowing) pec fins.


Active Member
I know about russels and volitans, but do you not think that a dwarf fuzzy or zebra would need a wider and larger tank than a 29g tank since they stil have quite large pectoral fins? You're the lion expert here, so whatever you say, I'll take your word for it. Bo


so what is the scientific name for the dwarf fuzzy lion? well can i keep it and the hawk cause thats what i really want and i dont have the space for a larger tank. for filtration i plan on getting a tetratech filter 150(gph) and a power head, 20lbs of live rock/sand. also do i need a skimmer cause i just plan on keeping a fish only tank and no corals.



what is the scientific name for the dwarf fuzzy lion?

Dendrochirus brachypterus dwarf fuzzy lion fish