darth tang
Active Member
I watched this last night. Very good and very informative. Very well done. I got emotional about it all over again.
Some things that stuck out at me with this tragedy versus the the Hurican tragedy down south. Particularly in regards to New Orleans. Some things that Guiliani did that I didn't see this Mayor do immediately that Guiliani did immediately.
Immediately Guiliani was directing traffic. He put out a call for all officers, EMT's, and Fire fighters to report for duty. This was put out over the radio and done via pager, cell phone, and other various means. He immediately called the feds in. While he was waiting for their arrival he immediately went to ground zero and started directing from the immediate vicinity. He was there physically helping to evacuate the area. He was in constant contact with all of his advisors. That day he lost many close friends, yet he didn't show a weakness to the public. He personally felt the loss of life as police chiefs and fire marshalls he knew personally. One he just threw a party for a few days before hand. One of his closest advisors had a Husband that worked at The Trade center and lost his life.
He immediately closed air space above New York. He didn't wait for the feds to issue the order, he called them and asked for it to be done. He personally watched while at ground zero the people jumping out of the towers to their death. He was on the ground when the towers and other building came to the ground before his very eyes.He held press conferences during the day informing the public what was being done and giving any information he had. I have an even greater respect for this man than I had before. This is a must see.
Then after watching this reflect on the actions of the local authorities in Lousiana and honestly ask yourself if things might have been different had a stronger, mor ehands on person been in charge there.
Basic politics rarely play a role in my decision when I vote for an official. It has always been who I feel could handle a crisis better. Because that is the instance when the character of a person will come out. Will they crumble, point fingers, pass the buck, or will they deal with it, have the strength to handle it, and ultimately give a face of strength to strength the resolve of the public.
We may be a nation of people, but we are also a nation of leaders. I personally feel our country will survive or die as our leaders survive or die in the face of crisis.
What would have happenned in New york had the Mayor or Governor of Louisiana and New Orleans been in charge?
Some things that stuck out at me with this tragedy versus the the Hurican tragedy down south. Particularly in regards to New Orleans. Some things that Guiliani did that I didn't see this Mayor do immediately that Guiliani did immediately.
Immediately Guiliani was directing traffic. He put out a call for all officers, EMT's, and Fire fighters to report for duty. This was put out over the radio and done via pager, cell phone, and other various means. He immediately called the feds in. While he was waiting for their arrival he immediately went to ground zero and started directing from the immediate vicinity. He was there physically helping to evacuate the area. He was in constant contact with all of his advisors. That day he lost many close friends, yet he didn't show a weakness to the public. He personally felt the loss of life as police chiefs and fire marshalls he knew personally. One he just threw a party for a few days before hand. One of his closest advisors had a Husband that worked at The Trade center and lost his life.
He immediately closed air space above New York. He didn't wait for the feds to issue the order, he called them and asked for it to be done. He personally watched while at ground zero the people jumping out of the towers to their death. He was on the ground when the towers and other building came to the ground before his very eyes.He held press conferences during the day informing the public what was being done and giving any information he had. I have an even greater respect for this man than I had before. This is a must see.
Then after watching this reflect on the actions of the local authorities in Lousiana and honestly ask yourself if things might have been different had a stronger, mor ehands on person been in charge there.
Basic politics rarely play a role in my decision when I vote for an official. It has always been who I feel could handle a crisis better. Because that is the instance when the character of a person will come out. Will they crumble, point fingers, pass the buck, or will they deal with it, have the strength to handle it, and ultimately give a face of strength to strength the resolve of the public.
We may be a nation of people, but we are also a nation of leaders. I personally feel our country will survive or die as our leaders survive or die in the face of crisis.
What would have happenned in New york had the Mayor or Governor of Louisiana and New Orleans been in charge?