HD TV Question


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We have two TVs, one is a 1080 LCD, the other a 720 plasma, we currently just have digital cable. I know the 1080 would benefit from an upgrade to HD Programming, my question is would the 720? I have had conflicting answers to this...Anyone know for sure?


Active Member
most likely you will still benefit from the hd programming. you just have to change the setting on the box to put out in 720p.
it's one box per tv though btw


I have a 720 plasma and it looks great in HD. If your worried whether or not the picture quality will be good, it definitely will. So I would say yes.


Active Member
Go with the 1080 that is going to be your "True" HD tv, quality wise the 720 would be 2/3 as good and a normal crt tv would be 1/2 as good. As a point of reference, a common DVD has a resolution of 720, a VHS tape 480 (i think).
There is two different kinds of 1080, "i" and "p". This has to do with how the screen refreshes. Basically i refreshes every other line, so the even # of lines flash, then the odd ones, With P they all refresh at once.
Right now no one broadcasts in 1080p. But stuff like hd dvd and blue ray is 1080p capable depending on your setup. Pretty much everyone is now selling 1080p but if you can find a 1080i they will be economically priced.
maybe I should read better,
I'd do both, the common input with cable is for a CRT tv. With the right cables, HDMI, the 1080 will look good.


Active Member
I agree with going with the 1080p. Although having a Plasma HDTV - you're going to be sorry you even got it. The picture screen have a short life span (about 5 years or so) and they tend to "ghosting" over time. Plus they are expensive to repair (more than LCD HDTV). Samsung has the highest ratings for a LCD HDTV.


Active Member
I think your 720 would benifit from HD service. Try it and if you don't like it than return the box. On thing though is to make sure you hook up your TV's with the HD cabling and inputs into your TV. We had our 50 inch TV hooked up and really like it. Then about a year later I found the component inputs rather than the regular banana plug inputs and WOW what a difference. Then it was true HD TV. Also you do not need the $150 gold plated wiring they sell for HD TVs. I intially had it hooke up with some plugs that I found in the garage and had to wipe the grim off of and the picture looked fantastic.
I guess I better shut up now huh?!
In answer to your original question. Yes.


Active Member
its funny you say samsung, my co-worker got one from best buy and she has problems with it out of the box. she's getting lines going up the screen.
now, for a great hd lcd tv, my sony sxrd is sweet. it actually does blacks, where other lcd's can only do dark greys.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
We have two TVs, one is a 1080 LCD, the other a 720 plasma, we currently just have digital cable. I know the 1080 would benefit from an upgrade to HD Programming, my question is would the 720? I have had conflicting answers to this...Anyone know for sure?
HDTV signals can be 720p (ie, ESPN-HD) or 1080i (ie, CBS-HD). I don't think anyone is broadcasting at 1080p. Your TV should be able to descale/upscale any of these signals. In either case, it'll be better than watching 480i on your big screen.


Active Member
It would depend what your watching. 720p is better for sports, racing, etc, fast moving images. 1080i is better for movies, tv shows etc, for a bit more crisp image. 1080p is obviously the best available, but no 1080p broadcasting exists at this time. Just watching DVDs or playing 360/PS3.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
I think your 720 would benifit from HD service. Try it and if you don't like it than return the box. On thing though is to make sure you hook up your TV's with the HD cabling and inputs into your TV. We had our 50 inch TV hooked up and really like it. Then about a year later I found the component inputs rather than the regular banana plug inputs and WOW what a difference. Then it was true HD TV. Also you do not need the $150 gold plated wiring they sell for HD TVs. I intially had it hooke up with some plugs that I found in the garage and had to wipe the grim off of and the picture looked fantastic.
I guess I better shut up now huh?!
In answer to your original question. Yes.
HDMI and DVI are the only cables that I know of that will cary the true 1080 digital signal. Everything else is analog.


yes 720p is progressive scan so it produces a better image at things that move fast. however the 1080i has a better image for everything else. the 1080p does both. a standard dvd is 480. and yes it will worth it to get the hd for the 720.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
It would depend what your watching. 720p is better for sports, racing, etc, fast moving images. 1080i is better for movies, tv shows etc, for a bit more crisp image. 1080p is obviously the best available, but no 1080p broadcasting exists at this time. Just watching DVDs or playing 360/PS3.

discovery hd is filmed and has the ability to broadcast in 1080p, but so far the cable boxes all are stuck at 1080i :(
I need to find out why my nice big 1080p tv has such issues showing regulard digital cable chanels (really horrid pic to be honest) but HD channels are so sweet.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ScubaNoah
yes 720p is progressive scan so it produces a better image at things that move fast. however the 1080i has a better image for everything else. the 1080p does both. a standard dvd is 480. and yes it will worth it to get the hd for the 720.

i bought an upconverting dvd player and i cannot tell the difference between the HD dvd players playing HD dvd's and my dvd player playing all my old regular dvd's.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
discovery hd is filmed and has the ability to broadcast in 1080p, but so far the cable boxes all are stuck at 1080i :(
I need to find out why my nice big 1080p tv has such issues showing regulard digital cable chanels (really horrid pic to be honest) but HD channels are so sweet.
Do you watch watch the normal signals on full screen? Most people stretch the 4:3 (standard square picture) out to the 16:9 aspect ratio. And that screws up your image. Even with digital cable the aspect ratio depends on what the Network is broadcasting, and most channels still broadcast in 4:3 and even the ones that are hd capable they may not be broadcasting all their programming in hd.


Active Member
honestly, even if i change the TV setting to be the square, it still looks distorted. it's to the point where i rarely ever watch tv unless it's on HD. i'm up to 45 channels so there's always something :)


Active Member
Thanks for all the responses....Sounds like I'm in good shape to get HD as the 720p is going in the game room, ESPN is the channal of choice in that room.
Which it sounds like will work nicely on the 720.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
honestly, even if i change the TV setting to be the square, it still looks distorted. it's to the point where i rarely ever watch tv unless it's on HD. i'm up to 45 channels so there's always something :)
well, you have to have both the TV and the Cable box set correctly. The easiest thing to do is set your cable box to transmit the native format, and use your tv's setting to adjust the aspect ratio.


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
its funny you say samsung, my co-worker got one from best buy and she has problems with it out of the box. she's getting lines going up the screen.
now, for a great hd lcd tv, my sony sxrd is sweet. it actually does blacks, where other lcd's can only do dark greys.
I have 2 samsung 40in 1080p LCD and a DLP 61in and the picture is alot better then The bravio my friend has.I also have had no problems with them and have owned 2 of them for about 1-1/2yrs now