HDTV question


Active Member
im getting a HD LCD in a few weeks but my DIRECTV (satellite) doesnt have the HD receiver so im wondering how the picture will look without a HD signal
also i have the option of getting a HD or ED


Just make sure your HD TV if you get it, has a built in HD tuner, or you'll have to buy THAT too!
Just went through that mess!


Active Member
i am confused about the features, and the tuner thing. the same model has vastly different prices.
i saw an aquos the other day, lined along side with other brands such as sony, phillips, and samsung, the picture quality was unmatched. if i buy an hdtv, it'll be an aquos.


Active Member
If you step up to HD equipment for Direct TV the HD box has a HD tuner for local over the air programming built in.


Also as for the HD vs. ED I shopped for many months compairing different models. I ended up getting an ED because with the HD and ED sets next to eachother I could barely tell a difference. So I would rather save some $ and go ED since we only get 10 channels of HD anyway!


Active Member
have you looked at the dlp tvs? the picture is brighter, lasts longer and has no rainbow or burn in. and they are comparable in price. the samsung or toshiba dlp tv's are also rated the best on the market for way less money than others...just a thought! :joy:


Active Member
DLP is alittle big for my bedroom, thats why i wanted to get the LCD and mount it on the wall, i dont have the money right now to buy a new dish and a new HD converter from DIRECTV so thats why im asking if the normal braodcast will look bad or ok
i might switch over to DISH NETWORK to get all the HD equipment free and just pay installation which on the internet was 67 bucks


ED is enhanced definition while HD is high definition. You shbould just switch to Comcast. they just give you a new box and wham hdtv. i have comcast and an hdtv and i get 15 hd stations.


Active Member
I am dropping Dish tomorrow because their HD equipment sux. I have had 2 boxes and both have had problems. The interactive feature has never worked without having to reset the box when you want to watch a channel again. The box will go into menu mode on it's own at times. Another favorite is being locked out of the program guide. They don't seem to be too interested in correcting the situation so Direct TV gets a new customer.


I wouldn't waste any money on HDTV just yet. Not that many chanels yet. And for Directv. You have to spend extra money for a new dish and box. I would spend the money on a good DVD with HDMI. Also check out the price for a Monster Cable HDMI cable at Bestbuy. It is $120.


looks like we all managed not to answer your question. Will standard broadcast tv look good on your LCD tv... No. All HDTVs are great at reproducing HDTV signal and progressive scan from dvds however they pretty much all suck when it comes to tv. You have one benefit of being a satellite customer because all of your channels are already digital. so they will be clearer then anything you can get from your local cable provider. Even with a digital box from the cable company all channels below 100 are non-digital. Working for a fable company myself I have seen first hand many different brands of HDTVs from dlp, plasma, lcd, and tube and I can say that none will display analog cable worth a crap. And digital cable is only marginaly better. Did that stop me from getting one? NOPE!


Active Member
thats what i was waiting to hear, but im passing on the LCD because i have to buy a new dish, and a new box which comes out to around 300 bucks just for the equipment


well i dont know what cable company you work for but comcast in my area is done there ads, and all channels except qvc here are broadcast in digital.


It will make a difference in gaming if your looking at the 360. also depending on how nice your dvd player is it will make a difference for that as well. LCD is good for gaming however have you considered a DLP? much nicer pic! As far as TV for the money goes Samsung makes some great LCD's.