He Molted!! He Molted!!!


Active Member
Heeeeeeee MOOOOOOOOOOOLTED!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!! :jumping: :jumping:
Scooter Pa-Tooter molted last nght!!!

I KNEW he was going to, I just knew it!
He was all uber active the past 2 days, and then yesterday all he did was hide in his favorite hidey-hole....and last night in the wee hours of the morning I looked into the tank and saw an empty Scooter lying on the substrate, with a big shiny new Scooter hiding away in his favorite spot!!!
He's been in the tank about 12 days, so far...along with the rest of the crew.
He looks GREAT! His feelers are like...TWICE as long as they were before!!
He's still hiding away at the moment, drying up, but he ate this morning - which HAS to be a good thing....right??? :thinking:
I'll get some pix of the new man when he comes out again - for now, here's a few of his former self. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! :cheer: :jumping: :cheer:



Thats great my coral banded shrimp molted the second day I got Him. It was so coll to look in and see an empty shell perfecty intact behind my filter intake. Congratulations! :cheer:


Thats cool, I always find moltings stuck on the suction part of my powerhead. I have two camelbacks and all they do is stick together and hide in this one rock all day. i wish they would come out more. Happy days


Active Member
thats great mimzy
but just to make
sure you are not having a completely happy day im gonna post ur arch nemesis (besides me ofcourse


Active Member
Yay!! :jumping: Thank you everybody!!
I had to wait soooooo many hours but he FINALLY came out (with much bribery
so I could take pix of him.
He's still really hidey, so it wasn't easy, and he's not quite dry yet so his colors aren't as vibrant as they were - but here he is, nonetheless! :joy:
Oh, and I threw in a pic of some hermies for good measure



Active Member
Haha i remeber when i used to get excited over that.... *looks over at 1 tank that has been engulfed in algae*
I think i forgot that this hobby was supoosed to be fun..
Thanks mimzy for reminding me..


Active Member
yeah the first night i got my coral banded i was scared because the last shrimp to hit the tank died that night!! lmao i didnt do it right didnt drip acclimate him and poof he was dead...so i wake up look all over the tank and "OMG!!!!!!he's dead!!!" this cant be happening!! it looked like someone(foxface or someone) opened him up from the back and sucked him dry!!
But wait!!! there he is underneath the live rock cave!!! hahahah my first molting, i was so freaked out!! hahahahaha aaaahh the joys of being a newbie.....
since then he has been a stud, he is about 5 inches or so now, healthy boy, and he is the boss!! even though the yellow tang is the biggest( or was i traded him for a smaller one) he still puts his claws out there and lets everyone know he is the boss daddy....


That is to funny. I wonder if it has something to do with the full moon. I looked in my tank this morning and saw an empty shell the size of my cleaner shrimp in the substrate. I thought the Condylatic Anemone ate him. And then I realized he molted. My shrimp lives on top of the power head, which is attached to tanks side wall, just enjoying the view below. He is always eager to entice any fish that gets close enough for a massage. I will have to take a closer look to see if he looks any different.
Take care, Wayne


Active Member
cool pix coop!! :cheer:
Thanx 4 all the replies, everyone - glad to know I'm not the only shrimp-ogling nut out there!!


I felt the same way when Shimp molted, every time. Unfortunately we lost him due to unknown circimstances, and he is missed :(


my coral banded also molted two days ago...i didnt get quite that excited though haha..sorry.
I havea couple shrimp like in your pic but I guess I have too much rock cause I rarely see them at all.