Head Rot ?


Hi, I have a kole tang his face seems to be peeling also can see where some of his scales appear to be missing. A friend of mine said it appears to be head rot ? How does one go about treating this ? Thanks John


Hi, I looked at post yes this does appear to be the same . How or what should I do next ? Will this effect my other fish ?
Thanks John


Active Member
HLLE is more like a nutritional deficiency than a disease. Its exact cause is not understood, and there are several possible causes, so let's have a try.
1. How big is the tang and what size tank is it in?
2. What are your latest water parameters?
3. What do you feed, and how often?
4. Do you have a grounding probe, and/or have you ever tested your tank for voltage?
5. Do you run carbon in your tank, and if so, what type, how much and how often?


Hi, Water test results areas follows ; ammon 0, trites 0, trates 80 yes I need a water change. ph 8.0 , phos 0, kh 107.4 not good . 90 gallon tank with a 25 gallon sump w/ skimmer, multiple corals , 4 cleaner shrimp, 6 turbo, asst. small snails, 5 peppermint shrimp,2sallylightfoots, 1 coral banded , 25 hermits, 1 clown, 1 yellow tang 3", 1 hippo tang 2", kole tang 2", koran angel 2", coral beauty small, blue face angel 2", 2 gobies . pc lighting 400 watts approx, plenty of flow all most to much. Yes i just ran carbon not sure what brand reef safe from lfs Thanks JOHN


Hi , I removed tang and placed him in my 55 gal qt tank I believe a moment of silence will be at hand shortly. Partly my own fault to busy to do the things I should be doing relying on kids . To bad youth us wasted on the young sometimes .