healthy condi?? pic


hey i got a florida condy the other day and was just wondering if it was looking healthy..
its not really white, but has a sort of yellowish tint, and has a little bit of a translucent green color at some angles.. heres a pic


Active Member
Doesnt look too bad really. As long as you have good lighting and keep the tank in good shape and feed it you should notice it color up more.


Active Member
Like 99% of the condys for sale are badly discolored. Luckily they are a hardy anemone.


Active Member
Could be several different colors. I've seen green ones that look nice. A lot of the time condys will be a deep brown when they are healthy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
Could be several different colors. I've seen green ones that look nice. A lot of the time condys will be a deep brown when they are healthy.
Ckehl, when I bought by Condy it was the same color as yours. Mine has really changed in appearance alot, the tips will almost look electric at times and the white/tan tentacles and body turn a brownish/red just like Speg says. I'll try to get a picture of mine now.


thats awesome guys.. mine moved to the very back of the tank where i can only see his tentacles over the top, and his body through a little whole, but i can already tell he is getting more coloration


Active Member
Originally Posted by ckehl
thats awesome guys.. mine moved to the very back of the tank where i can only see his tentacles over the top, and his body through a little whole, but i can already tell he is getting more coloration
Mine did the same, then after 3 months he moved again. Does it appear to getting direct lighting?