heat from metal halide


New Member
I'm currently building a hood for my aquarium to accomodate my new metal halide bulb. If I build a pine or oak hood and cover the ******** with sheet metal will this reflect the heat away from the wood and reduce the fire hazard?
I'm not to familiar with the heat from this sort of bulb and I want to play it safe, I'm worried about starting a fire with the thing.
Thanks for any info...


What I did on mine is install 3 washers on each hole to give me an air gap between the metal and the wood.
I have 175W MH and 4 vho. They put out heat but nothing close to starting a fire. I also use 2 4 inch fans to keep the air moving in the canopy.


Airspace is good, and also bending the sides on your reflector so that you light is relected down from the sides, rahter than out sideways.