
My tank has been up for 2 months and everything has been fine so far. Here in Canada the heat has suddenly risin and the AC in my house is not working at the moment. The temperature in my tank has risin to 88 degrees. I usually keep it at 78 and there are signs of some ich on one of my fish.
What can i do to get my temperature down and solve this problem before he gets worse?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Casa
My tank has been up for 2 months and everything has been fine so far. Here in Canada the heat has suddenly risin and the AC in my house is not working at the moment. The temperature in my tank has risin to 88 degrees. I usually keep it at 78 and there are signs of some ich on one of my fish.
What can i do to get my temperature down and solve this problem before he gets worse?

get some water bottles and freez them. then drop them in your tank. i thonk that was suppost to work.


you can also put some fans blowing over the surface of the water. that will get you 3-4 degrees also.


Active Member
do your best to get it down to 84 tops. get it there quick but not to fast
take some bowls and use them like boats to float ice in the tank. this will get the tank cool a bity slower as keep the nasty ice water out of your tank. after you do that get the 2 liters into the freezer so that you have them when needed.
i have gone up to around 88 before in the past before a chiller. i lost nothing when that happened but i did as i said above once i noticed it. if yo hit that 90 mark for extended time you can kiss the tank by by.
gl to ya


Thanks for the help guys. As soon as i get home from work i'll do my best to get it down.
Thanks again


Active Member
Originally Posted by Casa
Thanks for the help guys. As soon as i get home from work i'll do my best to get it down.
Thanks again

not sure how long you have till your off but I would highly recommend you find a reason to leave early. the cost of replacing your livestock will far out weigh a few hours of pay. well unless its a new tank


yes it is a new tank. Only 2 months young. It only has 2 clowns, an emerald crab and some hermit crabs.
Will they all die if the temp stays up high?
What about my bioload in my tank? will i have to recycle it and basically start it off like a new tank again?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Casa
yes it is a new tank. Only 2 months young. It only has 2 clowns, an emerald crab and some hermit crabs.
Will they all die if the temp stays up high?
What about my bioload in my tank? will i have to recycle it and basically start it off like a new tank again?

will they die? cant answer that. can they die. yes.
as for the tank itself yes you can have die off at those temps but i would not consider it like stating off new. just not good thats for sure. might have a nice bit of a bloom however if the tank keeps high temp.
keep in mind its not the temp that will kill the fish. atleast not this temp anyhow. its more the swing from the high 80's to the 70's at night.
thats to much of a swing in 24 hours.thats why i said ot bring it down but do not do it to quickly


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
will they die? cant answer that. can they die. yes.
as for the tank itself yes you can have die off at those temps but i would not consider it like stating off new. just not good thats for sure. might have a nice bit of a bloom however if the tank keeps high temp.
keep in mind its not the temp that will kill the fish. atleast not this temp anyhow. its more the swing from the high 80's to the 70's at night.
thats to much of a swing in 24 hours.thats why i said ot bring it down but do not do it to quickly

maybe call a freind to go over and put ice in bags and then put them in the tank!


just an update........i got my tank down to 82 degrees.......i should be able to get it lower