Heater crisis- hoping butterfly will recover?


New Member
Today when I got home, happy healthy tank. Less than an hour later, I find my copperbanded butterfly stuck to the side of the impeller for the filter. : ( He was still alive, so I took him off and killed the filters. Looking for something wrong, I checked the equipment- the temp had gone up to 88 degrees!!! Somehow, the heater went berzerko and turned the tank into an inferno! I had to pull it out with pliers and then the wood I set it on got a hole burned into it!
I added some ice (just thinking it might immediately help- it is filtered water and I added it to the sump). The temp now is down to 83.7, which is not too bad- but not the norm 78-79 I keep it at.....
Question- for those with butterflies....are they very resiliant fish? He is still breathing but looks to be in shock. He is kind of sitting in a gap in between rocks. The others are all acting normal (clown, royal gramma, and yellow tang). So sad.....and I was planning on getting a cleaner shrimp this weekend....
Hopefully I don't lose my fish! If anyone has any info or advice, I would appreciate it. I am also in the market for a new heater if you have recommendations.


Active Member
Two smaller heaters seem to work better than one large one as far as overheating the tank...
If one sticks it'll take longer to overheat and if it cools down both will kick on to keep it warm...
I've had good luck with Ebo Jagers but you may want to look into titanium heaters with external thermostats and controls...
As far as the fish...88 is a bit warm..83 is really not bad...
The big stressor is a big temp swing in a short period of time...
Don't try to cool them off too fast, and get a heater that will hold the temp "relatively" steady...2-3 degrees night to day is not too bad either


Active Member
yes try a titanium they are so much better than glass heaters
i swiitched to a titanium after my glass heater broke on the ON position


New Member
Thank you both for your advice on heaters- I am looking for a new one right now and that helps to know titanium over anything else.
As for the copperband, I did lose him. : ( I was really sad and my husband felt bad so after we got the temperature corrected, he got me a beautiful piece of plate coral to make me happier.
It isn't the same though- the butterfly was a neat fish.
Thanks again for your advice though!
: )