Heater in the sump


New Member
I am putting together a 90 gal setup with a wet/dry filter for the first time. (I'm graduating from canister filters!) I heard that you could place a submersable heater in the sump of the filter to heat the entire tank. If I choose to do this, does the heater still need to wattage for the 90 gal (300 watts) or can it be less being my entire filter system is about 11 gallons. Any help/comments will be appreciated. Thank you.


If that will be the only heater you will be using for the whole set up, then you would need enough wattage to heat 101 gallons (the tank and the sump) ...if I'm understanding what you are asking correctly.


Active Member
You can do one rated for the 90 gals .depending on where you are and if heating is a real issue, I would use 2 smaller heaters, then if one fails ,the other will keep tank warm enough.Congrats on the sump> Its the way to go.Good luck :joy:


So your tank and sump together would be 101 gallons?
Get 2 heaters incase one breaks/fails you have 1 still heating the tank until you can buy another..