Heater Malfunction??? Help!!


New Member
Help!! I have a 55 gallon aquarium. Yesterday the tank temperature was about 81°F, which I didn't really mind, even though I prefer about 78°. But today when I woke up, it was 88°!!!
I started panicking, and I checked on the fish to make sure they were all right.
I just set up the tank a couple months ago, so I only have a Percula Clownfish (1.5") and a Snowflake Eel (7.5"). I also have a few crabs and snails, which the eel will probably eat later on.
Anyway, they all seem to be ok, but I think it might be a problem with the heater! The first thing I did was lower the temperature thingy on the top of the heater (in case the heater wasn't the problem), and then I added a bag of ice to the tank. Then I added just a little bit of cold water into the tank. About an hour later, I checked again and it was 86°. Since it dropped about 2° in only an hour, do you think that's just from the ice & cold water, or do you think its because I lowered the heater temperature?

I unplugged the heater about 15 minutes after that and added a little bit more ice. Now, an hour after that, the temperature is still 86°.
So do you think the sudden increase in the temperature was because of the heater malfunctioning, or maybe something else? I just bought the snowflake eel a couple days ago, so it's probably really stressful on him! What should I do? Do I need to buy a new heater? If so, what size (watts) should I get for a 55g tank? The one I have now is 120w - somebody else gave it to me. But it didn't really seem to keep the water at a consistent temperature, it was always shifting from around 76-81°.

Help is greatly appreciated, thanks!


I unplugged the heater about 15 minutes after that and added a little bit more ice. Now, 30 mins after that, the temperature is still 86°.
good, do it slowly...but not too fast, maybe take a freezer bag, and load it up with stuff from the freezer(bags of vegies and meats) and aim a PH twards it.
1 130watt heater is just enough...throw it out if it is the cause...
i would get 3 or 4 heaters that add up to 200 watts...this way if one locks up it wont bake the tank.
also if you have a fuge, put 3 of the 4 heaters down there...this way you dont see them.
check all pumps, make sure there not frozen up or cloged...a pump over heating could definatly jack the tanks heat up...happened to me.


New Member

Originally Posted by baloo6969
good, do it slowly...but not too fast, maybe take a freezer bag, and load it up with stuff from the freezer(bags of vegies and meats) and aim a PH twards it.
1 130watt heater is just enough...throw it out if it is the cause...
i would get 3 or 4 heaters that add up to 200 watts...this way if one locks up it wont bake the tank.
also if you have a fuge, put 3 of the 4 heaters down there...this way you dont see them.
check all pumps, make sure there not frozen up or cloged...a pump over heating could definatly jack the tanks heat up...happened to me.
Ok, thanks for the tips/suggestions. I've got the temperature down to about 84.5° now, I'm gradually
trying to get it all the way back down.
As for the heaters, I'll really look into getting several of them for the tank like you suggested. That sounds like a great idea!