Heater size?


you probibly wouldn't need a heater what type of lighting and filtration system will you be using because you what your tank at about 76 to 80 degrees I have a 55 with power compacts, a protien skimmer and a return pump in the sump, and canister filter which goes through a UV light before returning(the UV is only on about 3Hr a day)and I keep my house at 73 daegrees and my tank is at a constent 80-82 degress I'm looking into a chiller I'm sure that you probibly wouldn't need a heater unless you live in the far far north and keep your house at about 50 :)
anybody else with some input


well here's another question..
im putting my tank downstairs and its going to be close to a window (but the blinds are always closed and its up high) but somtimes it gets chilly near the window... i told my dad iw ant him to fix it so cold air doesnt come in, but i dont know when that will be because our neighbor is really sick so hes helpin out their family..
so what im asking is... will this affect what sizze heater i should get? or do you still suggest 150 or 200?


thanks again,
someone also suggested i could get two heaters and place them in different parts of the tank?
what do you think? is that an ok idea or just a waste of money?:thinking:


I think its always important to have 2 heaters. It will distribute the heat more evenly and if one fails, you wont have that big of a temperature drop. A surefire way to kill your inhabitants is for the tank to drop 10 or more degrees because your heater fails in the middle of the night during the winter. If submersible heaters, you can always hide them behind the live rock and it wont look too bad.