

I was cleaning out my fuge, and when I repositioned my heater I felt a little tingle from it. I assume this isnt good? time for a new heater?


Active Member
Must be stray voltage, you can check with a little gizmo you can get at Wally World for less than 2 bucks.Just follow 1journeymans advice and get a grounding probe and follow the directions. These can be pricey tho, all you need is a piece of good (aircraft quality) stainless steel wire. 1 end touching water anywhere in your sysyem and the other end on the screw that holds an electrical outlet in place-assuming your house hold wiring is grounded.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
GFI plug and grounding probes are your friends...

Yes, very nice knowing you can stick your hand in the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by blenny1
It's an electrical tingle
Stray voltage is bad for your tank's inabitants.
Get the above suggested equipment and a new heater.