

I have a 120 gallons ( fish only) tank :help:
my break down is fine
amonia 0
nitrate 0
nitrite 10
ph 8.3
temperature 8.0
i have an emperor angel
yellow tang
blue tang
long nose butterfly
red coris
jaw fish
2 perculas clowns
1 domino damisel ....this one was the one that start showing the spot of ich in one of his flipers
now my percs, blue tang and the long nose are infected...... :help:
i dont know what to do and i really apreciate if this time someone answer me , or if someone at least give a good advice..
i dont have a meduc extra tank , and i just bought the reef safe ich killer
i dont want my emperor angel infectedddddddddd.....please somone!! :help:
and by the way after i kill the ich i am gonna take out that f.......damnisel :help:
someone this time please s....helpppppppppppp me!!! :needhelp:


Active Member
The only way to irradicate Ich from your tank completely is to remove all fish from the system, run hyposalinity treatment on them in a hospital tank (see disease forum) and leave you display tank free of fish for a MINIMUM of 4wks (I prefer 6wks).
If that is not an option, then you can do a few things:
1. Most important be sure your water quality is good, be sure there is nothing stressing the fish out (is the damsel harrasing everyone else?)
2. Soak all foods in garlic extract, a couple drops is all you need.
3. You can try those reef safe ich Meds, but sometimes they are not very effective.


Active Member
i had ick once in my tank when it was a fish only tank back in the day....
and just like you it started with the darn damsil and spred to pretty much every other fish in the tank!!!!! :mad:
i wasnt very knowledgable about fish tanks back then but i had used a copper based medication in my tank to cure the ick..... it worked very well but at the time i didnt realize it was going to kill all my snails which was a bad idea.... and also the copper stayed in the tank for some time after even activated carbon didnt remove it all because up to 4 months later snails would die as soon as i put them in the tank....
i didnt have a quarantine tank either back then so it kinda a toss up maybe u could use some med in your tank but becareful on what else is in your tank such as inverts.... also if you have any live rock that will die off too.....
that was about a year and a half ago and the only thing i can figure that made that happen was my ammonia went high for some time when i was first learning the tank.... now i have been fine by doing my regular water changes and maintenance and a better varied diet for my fish including enriched meaty/algae based foods....
i have a reef tank now and i could never try copper again for that would kill everything but i run a uv sterilizer filter on my tank now and i have no problems.... u might consider one of those after you fix the problem you have now...
good luck !!! wish i could help more


copy that, guys!!!
i , wil try the garlic ...i hope no one dies!!!specially my adult emperor angel,
by the way tomorrow i am gonna post some pics. :happyfish

darth tang

Active Member
If it is fish only with no live rock, I would do Hyposalinity. You can run a search on it and it will turn up how to do it. Just watch your PH closely as it will drop in Hypo.


nooooooooooooooo i am so pist ....the first victim was my LONG NOSE BUTERFLY ,yesterday i noticed she wasn't eating and today showed up floating..
this f.... ich is kiiling my tank ....i ised the reef safe killer ech because i dont want to use copper but i dont know if is gonna work with my protein skimmer on.
i dont want to be negative but my blue tank seems to be next...
soooooo maddddddd!!! :mad:


damn that sucks dude, i have a baby blue tang...they get diseases easily..hmm..im still a newbie in this hobby...how does ich look like? im turning my 20gal freshwater tank into a hospital tank.


hey HO DEPOT ich is a parasite desease that is cause for stress , malnutrition and sometimes because of the bad quality of the enviorment or water in the tank
ICH can start with a big white spot and most buterflies get it in the whole body at the very beggining but with little spots.
my blue tank is baby as well and it really sucks because he is the one with the best personbalitty in the tank. :help:
i am praying and doing my dutty with the killer ich , i hope this works before my Adult Emperor Angel gets it.