hello, algae, and other stuff...


New Member
new guy... was in to salt 6 years ago, now starting up another tank...its about 1 week old...54 gallon corner all glass with bowed front...running an eheim 2229 wet/dry cannister (pretty cool toy) and a heater...that's it. cycling with 6 damsels. no live rock but plenty of dead coral and 55 lbs crushed coral...getting alot of brown algae starting....i forget if this is due to water quality (still cycling) or lighting...and what to do about it...eventually will a turbo snail or something help control the bloom??? should it turn green at some point? and then is it good grazing food for fish? anyhoo...i am using some bacteria in a jar to help speed along the cycle, then i'm thinking of a warty frogfish, a tassle filefish, and a (small) blueface angel as an assortment any thoughts on these guys or my algae or life in general? man, i'm long winded...sorry. (oh yeah, i hope the frogfish will remove the damsels for me :) ) <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


Sounds like you are on your way to a cycled tank :)
Yes brown slimy algae starts 1st (diatoms)2nd you should start to see a little green then probably green hair algae (yuck)
I run a similiar Tank with a Fluval 404 and an extra powerhead for added circulation.
Man what a pain with a corner tank not much room for overflows and other goodies on the back.I can ALMOST fit a small Prizm skimmer on mine :(
Anyway,right now I have 2 percula clowns,an Emerald crab,Peppermint Shrimp,and a few Hermits in that tank and plan on adding an algae blenny soon to help the Emerald crab with the Hair algae task.
Try to get as much live rock as possible will help tremendously with the Bio-load of the fish you plan on putting in there.
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />