Hello!!!!/algae bloom


Hello all!
I've havent been around the BB's for a few months now.. not on purpose. How's it going?Mr. Salty is still here i see.

Well I'm down to one(1) domino damsel. Sad to say, the jawfishes had many problems with the damsels(territory, etc). One I found dead one morning, and the other one thought he could fly.
Tank is 29 gallons, 20 pounds LR, monano live rock that is. Skilter 250.
4 astrea Snails and 8 blue leg hermits(lost many hermits due to fights), I also have an anemone that grew off the LR.
Also with the LR was some "slugs" when i first posted about them no one knew what they were. I now have about 25 of them. Not to mention millions of copepods...
Now i have two problems
1) Algae bloom, I believe its red slime. Dark purple/black/brown color, it is hairy in some spots of the gravel. It is also all over the glass, mainly in the corners.
What do I do to get rid of it?
What animals will eat it?
2) I have tons of little white specks all over my glass, on further inspection I found out they are snails.
They have a spiral shell,they are very very small. What are they? and should I get rid of them.
Nice to be back

Oh im alittle late but Merry Christmas.

mr . salty

Active Member
Welcome back,The algae does sound like slime.This stuff is hard to get rid of,but there are many red slime removers out there.They will get rid of what is in the tank now,but after it's gone you will need to test for nitrates and phosphates.These are algae's favorite food. Also cut way down on your light period till it's under control. As for the snails,You should get as many out as you can or they will take over the tank. But you may want to see if they will eat the algae.They sound like "pinecone"snails.These are good algae eaters.


Hey Mr. Salty!
it's been along time.
Thank you for the information. I thought I was leaving my lights on too long, and thought that may have been a factor.

I got a new camera for christmas and will be taking pictures of my tnak for all to see.
Mr. Salty do you still ahce your site up? if so can i have the link?