Hello ALL...from the new guy.


New Member
Ive been reading up here on saltwater set ups for a few weeks now, TONS of info & you all seem really helpfull & polite.
I just started a new 35 gallon saltwater tank, 2 damsels are starting the cycle. They have been in for 4 days now & seem to be doing just fine.
I was wondering what I might expect to happen within the next few weeks, I want the fish to stay healthy & unstressed through the cycle period....
any help would be gr8ly appreciated!
Dave in Omaha
35 gallon tank
Fluval 304 filter with activated charcoal & ceramic stones
small air pump & fine stone


Active Member
Hi dave
The cycling process is stresfull for fish, so don't be surprised if you lose them. Saying that, Damsels are very hardy.
Do you have test kits yet? What you are looking for is the Ammonia and NitrItes to rise to a high level then fall back to zero. In the meantime the NitrAtes will rise. When this happens your tank has cycled, could be a few weeks or a few months.
What are you using pump and airstone for?


New Member
I have all the necessary test kits, the ammonia is high but still in the somewhat safe toxicity area of 1.1 -1.2 , according to this dry tab test kit. The fish still look in good shape & show no signs of stress.If it goes any higher I may do a smal water change as recomended...what about the ammonia locking chemicals like ammo-out?...will they do any good/harm?
I use the airstone for oxygen transfer, i thought sence there are no benificial bacteria/alge growing yet the fish may need other sources of oxygen...plus it looks cool........im a looney or just thinking too much. Later i will be using it in a protein skimmer
I have the pump/filter running to hopefully remove some of the toxins the fish leave behind.....i have activated charcoal in one section of the Fluval....the other 2 sections have those ceramic bits & fibre material.....
I have some papers to read on the whole tank cycle stuuf, but i like to hear from folks that have actually gone through it..:confused:
If any of this seems uhhHum...FISHY please let me know
Thanks again ,,,,,,,,,,Dave in Omaha


Active Member
Don't do any water changes until your cycle is complete. You need to establish your system. These spikes are normal, and are a part of that cycle. This is why you may lose the fish. They may be OK though.
To clarify, you say your ammonia readings of 1.1-1.2 are somewhat safe as to toxicity. Anything over 0 for ammonia or nitrites is toxic. 1.1-1.2 is extremely high. Until both read 0, you are still cycling. You have to let it run its course.
I would not start adding too many chemicals to help the cycle. The fish will handle that for you. I used some stresszyme when I set up my tank, but since then, I have learned from this board that a damsel or two and some Live Rock will do the trick. Even more recently, it has started to come out that placing a raw shrimp in the tank will do the same thing, without the fish.The fish don't need an airstone...they only need some good surface circulation, and some current through the tank.
The ceramics in your filter will be home to bacteria that will breakdown the toxins...they will establish...just takes time.
Patience is a much needed quality in this hobby...welcome aboard!


New Member
my fluval creates really good water circulation, should the powerhead be aimed at the waters surface or angled to circulate the tank....
thanks again........ Dave in Omaha