Hello all. I havent been here in a while but I have 2 NEW Diamond Gobis and I ............


have a few questions for the community.
I havent been on in a while as everything has been wonderful and stable. I got 2 Diamond Gobis today and placed them in a 10 gal QT with no sand. At the LFS, they were acting as the norm but now they seem REALLLLLY quiet in the tank. Not moving around, 1 pushed up into a corner and the other under a rock I put in there.
I have read that they are pretty hardy and MIGHT, (operative word, MIGHT ), be able to withstand a faster transfer into the main tank.
Any of the Master Jedi Knights care to chime in on some suggestions ? My biggest concern is them not having sand to sift thru, therefore not eating, well, you know the rest. :(
Nice to be back here and I look forward to reading up on some more stuff.
I got an AWESOME BTA and my clown, within 4 hours, is already hosting. I will post pics as soon as possible.


When I QT sand sifters, I give them a plastic container full of sand from my DT so that they can sift. They usually end up making a mess and sifting it out of the container, but it definitely helps.


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386162/hello-all-i-havent-been-here-in-a-while-but-i-have-2-new-diamond-gobis-and-i#post_3390213
When I QT sand sifters, I give them a plastic container full of sand from my DT so that they can sift. They usually end up making a mess and sifting it out of the container, but it definitely helps.
GREAT suggestion. Just did that. I am just hoping that everyone makes it thru the QT :(
Any other Jedi Knights care to chime in ? Com on. Help a brotha out :) LOL


Originally Posted by convbmw http:///forum/thread/386162/hello-all-i-havent-been-here-in-a-while-but-i-have-2-new-diamond-gobis-and-i#post_3390319
GREAT suggestion. Just did that. I am just hoping that everyone makes it thru the QT :(
Any other Jedi Knights care to chime in ? Com on. Help a brotha out :) LOL
This is what almost all of us do, which might be why you haven't gotten any other responses, LOL.
Good luck with them, Diamond Gobies and I have a love/hate relationship. It's the one fish I can not keep alive :-(


Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386162/hello-all-i-havent-been-here-in-a-while-but-i-have-2-new-diamond-gobis-and-i#post_3390321
This is what almost all of us do, which might be why you haven't gotten any other responses, LOL.
Good luck with them, Diamond Gobies and I have a love/hate relationship. It's the one fish I can not keep alive :-(
LOL. Welll, there ya go. Means I am doing the right thing. One is REALLY full of life. I would say even to the psycho stage. Tries jumping out, etc etc. The other one is REALLLY sluggish. Keeping a close eye on him. One of them already kicked it on the sand bed so I guess we just kinda hang out and see where it all goes. Nothing like taking a dollar bill and now knoing if its going to burn up. LOL.
Thanks for your help.


Active Member
I had 1 for over a year then it jumped out,and then got a replacement it lasted 3 weeks in dt and jumped.They need a canopy or netting for best bet on keeping them

