Hello all. X-Treme NooB Here!


New Member
I just joined this forum group about a month ago or so and I'm just now starting to actively post. I do have to say that I am quite impressed with some of the stuff that is goin' on here and it has driven me to make a perchace of an AllGlass 30Gal this coming Monday when I get paid. I also have a 20 L that I will be selling and a 10 Gal that I will probably keep as well. After all, 2 tanks is better than one for lighting up a College Apartment Bedroom. :D I've been so Impressed with all of your nano reefs, I had to give it a shot.
Now I have been keeping freshwater for about 10 years and do have fish experience, but I also understand that saltwater is verry different than freshwater. But that's why I wanted a change. I Love how saltwater juss BLOWS fresh out of the Water... lol :hilarious Literally! I have been doing tons of research, but I will still need alot of help along the way to make sure I'm doing things correctly. I want to do things correctly the first time!:)
It's really great to see what you guys and gals are doing, and I hope that I might be able to meet some of you sometime or another. Anyone in or around Orlando FL?! :D
I hope to become friends with you all soon and it's good to be at such an awesome place.
-Dave :)


the key to it all is PATIENCE!!! please dont make the same mistake i did, if u wanna do it right just wait to buy all the flashy colorful fish and coral. read up on the nitrogen cycle (it sounds like u have already) thats the main thing u need to wait on. ask lots of questions and dont do something without knowing all about it.
By the way a 30 gallon tank is too big to be a nano tank
welcome to the colorful world of fish


New Member
Thanky very much for the welcomes. :D Even though my 30 gal might not be a nano, I do have a 10 gallon that I might just have to setup... :D I might be able to do a regular and a nano. I do like the smaller tank environments a bit better though, because I really don't have the money for a huge setup, plus I live on a 3rd floor college apertment. Which SUX. Technically we are only allowed to have a 10 gallon, but they come into my friends apartment all the time and he has a 75 and they don't say anything... but then again, he does live on the 1st floor. :rolleyes: Oh well. So long as they don't evict me. lol But anyways, it's nice to be here with a good group of people such as yourselves, and thankyou for your advice jimmy. much appreciated. Trust me. I have PLENTY of time to wait... after all I AM on a college budget ya know. LOL
He-ey Lefty. If they call you a nano. I DEMAND to be called one too. After all 1 gallon difference? I mean C'mon! lol I love nanos and i hope to have a nice 10gal to go with my 30. thu best of both worlds is always 2 tanks... he heh