Hello all!!


New Member
Well I have been lurking on the board for about 2 months now while my new tank was cycling. Whole bunch of great information in the past threads that has been keeping me busylearning. I have a 50 gallon acrylic tank, with CPR Bak Pak2R skimmer, 1 Seio 620, 2 maxi 600(one pointed at surface), and a hagen 50 power head. For lighting I have a 36" Statellite PC 192 watt Dual Daylight 6,700°K/10,000°K and Dual Actinic bulbs. In the tank I have 65lbs of live rock combo of Fiji/Indo/Marshall and 55lbs live sand (45lbs Fiji and 10 Carib Sea reef sand.this gives me about a 2 - 2.5" depth. Tank has been up and running for 6 weeks. the last two weeks my parameters have been. PH 7.7, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 0, Amonia 0. I have done several water changes the last few weks, and use either Walmart Green label or RO water from machine. I have a few diatoms, but nothing major. So am I ready for the next step?
Do I need to worry about the PH being low. I am using Tropic Marin Ref Pro salt, areated minium 24 hrs before adding to tank. is the clean up crew next?
My fish wish list for this tank is:
1 or 2 clowns (False or True Perc, have not decided yet)
Yellow Watchman Goby
Red FireFish
open for suggestions but you can see my direction small and non agresive.
Well thank you all in advanced for your help and suggestions.


Active Member
You will want to get your pH up to the 8.0-8.4 range before adding anybody to the tank. Other than that it sounds as though you are ready for some critters and fish!! Welcome to the hobby. :happyfish