Hello all


New Member
Hi there this is my first post here on these boards. Hello all!
I have a 29gal tank. 2lbs of LR about 15lbs of base rock, 1 inch layer of "live sand." I'm running the Fluval 305 pump and heater. I have 4 Damsels in my tank. 1 Sgt, 1 Yellow tail, 1 3 striped, and a Chromis. The tank has been up and running for about 3 weeks now. All the fish seem to be happy and swimming all about. I was wondering how much longer it'll take before I can add other fishes. All my levels are all good also my salt level is good also. I'm at work and can't really put exact numbers but all are in good range according to my liquid test kit. I wanted to add a sandsifter here soon but wanted some input first. :notsure:
Also my friend's pump on occasion blows out little air bubbles. It's a Fluval FX5. Is that normal?
Thank you all :joy:


Active Member
hi rion welcome to the boards, personally i wouldnt add anymore fish in a 29 gal, and 3 weaks is still soon to add fish but if all your perameters are good then good as far as a sandsifting star i wouldnt add one they live off of the bugs in your tank and u wont have enough in a 29 gal imo


Welcome to the boards!!!!!! Just a little info for you. Damsels get very territorial, especially the 3 stripe and the Sgt. All of them do, but those two can be downright mean. Tell us more about your system. Did the lfs sell you those fish just to cycle your tank? What are your EXACT water readings for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, ph, kh, salinity, and temp?